Hey everyone,
it's great to see so many people jumping in to grab those early bird tickets. They'll be available for the next 6 weeks, and we won't be extending the offer beyond that.
Like Thirsty said, I'm really impressed by the job the program committee have done to pull together an impressive line-up of presentations. You'll see the full program appear in the next couple of days after some last minute changes are incorporated.
And yes, club night has a charge attached to it this year, unlike in the past. It's still open to anyone who registers for the night (you don't need a conference ticket to come along), but this year we've given it a whole night by itself given the huge success of past club nights, and that means we needed to find a way to feed everyone at the event.
So we have arranged for a spit roast dinner to be served on the night, as well as something to keep everyone's second stomach from complaining later in the evening. Hopefully we'll keep people standing long enough to then move onto the after party, a short stumble from the venue.
I'm really looking forward to catching you all at this year's conference. We've set ourselves a real challenge by calling out "Tripel Strength", and I'm confident the conference will be everything we're boasting.
See you all in October!