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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Was reading up on no chill and came across a few things that gave me the idea to no chill straight into the fermenter.

I know that when you use a cube you squeeze the excess air out to avoid potential contamination from anything in that air space and to sterilise the full surface area of the inside of your cube with hot wort etc, but is there any other reason why the following would be a bad idea?

  1. Have fridge/freezer on and have 4 x 1.25L bottles of frozen water ready to go.
  2. Complete boil.
  3. Whirlpool and add hop additions (nb. will cool a little whilst whirlpooling).
  4. Transfer wort to plastic fermenter.
  5. Place fermenter into fridge and surround with 4 x 1.25L bottles of frozen water to bring temp down as quickly as possible to yeast pitching temp.
  6. Set temp controller to yeast pitching temp so fridge doesn’t cool too much.
  7. Rehydrate and pitch yeast the next day / when wort cools to yeast pitching temp.

