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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hunted United Brewers are excited to announce the annual 2022 Hunter Homebrew Competition which will be held on Saturday 4th June at (soon to launch) Thirsty Messiah Brewery, 140 Lambton Rd, Broadmeadow.

Entries will be judged against the AABC Guidelines, closing date for entries will be Wednesday 25th May 2022.

All details regarding Styles, Prize Classes and the entry process are available on the comp website at:

Judges, Stewards and Volunteers can also register their interest to participate in the comp through the website, we would encourage all interested (whatever your experience level) to take part as there's plenty to learn about beer judging and appreciation.

We have a fantastic array of prizes up for grabs this year so be sure to put your best beers forward and best of luck to all entrants!

