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1. Grainer: 1 x Bairds Maris Otter

2. syl 1 x Gladsfield Ale

3. Bumma 1 x JWTraditional Ale, 1 x Wey Pilsner

4. Razz: 2 x Weyermann Pale Ale

5. Nullnvoid 2 x JW Traditional Ale

6. Peaky 1 x Wey Munich 1, 1 x Bairds Maris Otter, 3 x JW Export Pilsner.

7. Helles 3 x Bairds Maris otter 1 x Wey Bo Pilsner 1 x B.B Caramalt

8. droid 2 x Bairds Marris Otter, 3 x Weyerman Bohermian Pilsner

9. breakbeer 2 x Gladfield Ale 1 x Gladfield Pilsner

10. Danwood 1x BB Ale, 1x BB Wheat (light), 1x Bairds Maris Otter,

11. Meathead 1 x Bairds Maris Otter

12. Midnight Brew 1x TF Maris Otter

13. Black n Tan 2x Simpsons Maris Otter, 2x Gladfields Ale, 1x Gladfields Pilsner, 2x Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner

14. chrisgill33: 1 x Bairds Maris Otter

15. dcPrahran 2 x Bairds Maris Otter, 1x Joe White Wheat Malt

16. bouncingcastle 1 x JW Traditional Ale, 1x Weyermann Pilsner

17. res 3 x Heavily Peated

18. Andy_Chil 1 x TF Maris Otter, 1 x Joe White Export Pilsner

19. Nosco 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x TF Marris, 1 x Weyermann Premium Pilsner, 1 x Weyermann Pale Wheat

20. Siborg 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1 x Bairds Marris Otter

21. BrutusB - 2 x Weyermann Pale Ale, 2 x Simpsons Golden Promise

22. ClaytonSpencer - 2 x BB Ale

23. takai - 1x Simpsons Maris Otter

24. Greg Hicks. 2 x Thomas Fawcett Maris Otter,1 x Weyermann Munich (light),1 x Weyermann Premium Pilsner Malt

25. djgilmore - 1x Bairds Pale Ale, 1 x JW Export Pilsner

26. Blind Dog: 1 x Gladield Ale; 1 x Bairds Maris Otter; 1 x Weyermann Premium Pilsner

27. Brenthor: 2 x JW Trad Ale

28. Franks: 2 x Gladfields Ale; 1 x Gladfields Pilsner

29. eldertaco: 1 x Gladfields American Ale, 2x Weyermann Premium Pilsner

30. Mark Leathem (Dry Zoners) 4 x Bairds Marris Otter, 3x Joe White Traditional Ale, 1x Wyermanns Light Munich, 1 x Wyermann Carapils, 1x Joe White Export Pilsener

31. RamuGupta: 2 x Bairds Maris Otter, 2 x JW Traditional ale malt

32 Brewbienewbie: 1 x Gladfields Ale

33. Elixir: 1 x Gladfields American ale, 1x Weyermann Bohemian pilsner

34. JB: 1 x Gladfields Ale

35. DJ_L3ThAL: 1 x Weyermann Premium Pilsner, 1 x Weyermann Pale Alt

36. Professional_drunk: 1x wey pils, 1x simp gp, 1x glad vienna

37. Fourstar: 2x Weyermann Bohemian pilsner, 2x Gladfield American Ale, 2x Gladfield Ale 1x Bairds Maris Otter

38. Damn: 1x Weyermann Bohemian pilsner, 1 x JW Traditional ale malt.

39. Haciluku: 1x Bairds Maris Otter, 1x Gladfield American Ale, 1x Weyermanns Bohemian Pilsner

40. MICBREW 1 x Simpsons Maris otter 1 x Gladfields ale malt

41. Michael Bowron, 1 x Digs Pils, 1 x Golden Promise, 1 x Weyermann Boh Pils

42.Larkins,  1 x JW traditional ale, 1x Bairds Marris Otter, 1 x Weyermanns premium pilsner, 1 x Weyermanns Pale Wheat

43. GrumpyPaul 1 x JW Traditional Ale

Split Bags

Open Half Sacks - Two person splits

1.Bairds torrified wheat 1. Professional_drunk 2.

FULL Half Sacks

a. Weyermann Pale Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. Nullnvoid FULL

b. Gladfield Munich. 1. droid 2. mardoo FULL

c. Gladfield Rye 1. Breakbeer 2. chrisgill33 FULL

d. Weyerman carapils 1. breakbeer 2. JB /Grainer FULL

f. Joe White Munich 1. Nullnvoid 2. bouncing castle FULL

g. Weyerman Rye 1. Danwood 2. Camo6 FULL

h. Dingeman's Belgian Pilsner 1. Mardoo 2. Andy_Chil FULL

i. Joe White Vienna 1. bouncingcastle 2. ClaytonSpencer FULL

j. Gladfields Vienna 1. Mofox1 2 takai. FULL

k. Weyerman Munich Light 1. Nosco 2. JB FULL

l. Gladfields Munich 1. Franks 2. Brenthor FULL

m. Weyermann Munich Light (T1) 1. DJ_L3ThAL 2. Black n Tan FULL

n. Weyermann Munich Dark (T2) 1. DJ_L3ThAL 2. Black n Tan FULL

Open Multi-Splits

1. Flaked Barley 1. Midnight brew 2. Mardoo 3. 4. 5.

2. Weyermann Caraaroma 1. JB 2. Brewbienewbie 3. Brewbienewbie 4.takai 5.

3. Baird’s Flaked Maize - 1. Mardoo 2. Midnight Brew 3. 4. 5.

4. Weyermann Munich Light - 1. takai 2. takai 3. Mialee 4. 5.

FULL Multi-Splits

A. Glad fields Crystal Medium 1. Grainer 2. Grainer 3. syl 4. syl 5. bumma FULL

B. JW Wheat Malt 1. Bumma 2. Bumma 3. DU99 4. JB 5. JB FULL

C. Weyerman Acidulated 1. breakbeer 2. JB 3. JB 4. Black n Tan 5. Nullnvoid FULL

D. Gladfield Toffee 1. Danwood 2. Danwood 3. Technobabble66 4. Mardoo 5.Black n Tan FULL

E. Dingemans Aromatic 1. Technobabble66 2. Technobabble66 3. Black n Tan 4. chrisgilll33 5.Mardoo FULL

F. Gladfields Med Crystal 1. Technobabble66 2. Black n Tan 3. Break Beer 4. Break Beer 5. Break Beer FULL

G. Glad fields Crystal Dark 1. Grainer 2. Grainer 3. syl 4. Black n Tan 5. Grainer - FULL

H. Baird's Torrefied Wheat 1. Mardoo 2. Razz 3. Blind Dog 4. droid 5. Mofox1 FULL

I. Weyermann Abbey 1. Mardoo 2. Technobabble66 3. Black n Tan 4. Mofox1 5. Midnight Brew FULL

J. JW Chocolate 1. Danwood 2. Danwood 3. Bumma 4.Yob 5. droid FULL

K. BB Roast Barley 1. Danwood 2. Danwood 3. JB 4.Blind Dog 5.Yob FULL

L. Weyermann CaraRed 1. Technobabble66 2. Technobabble66 3. Nosco 4.BrutusB 5. ClaytonSpencer FULL

M. Dingemans Biscuit 1. Technobabble66 2. Midnight Brew 3. Black n Tan 4. Bumma 5. Yob FULL

N. Gladfield Vienna 1. droid 2. droid 3. Black n Tan 4. chrisgill33 5.Razz FULL

O. Glad fields Crystal Light 1. Grainer 2. Grainer 3. syl 4. syl 5. Black n Tan FULL

P. Weyermann Carahell 1. Mardoo 2. Technobabble66 3. takai 4. Brenthor 5. eldertaco FULL

Q. Gladfields Med Crystal 1. bouncingcastle 2.DU99 3. ClaytonSpencer 4. ClaytonSpencer 5. eldertaco FULL

R. Weyermann Carapils 1. Nullnvoid 2. Nosco 3. ClaytonSpencer 4. eldertaco 5. Black n Tam FULL

S. Simpson's Heritage Crystal - 1. Mardoo 2. Midnight Brew 3. Grainer 4. Technobabble 5. Blind Dog FULL

T. Simpsons Heritage Crystal 1. Black n Tan 2. Djgilmore 3. Danwood 4. Danwood 5. Camo6 FULL

U.8. Simpsons Heritage Crystal 1. DJ_L3ThAL 2. Nosco 3. Mialee 4.MICBREW 5.Larkins FULL

V. Dingemans Special B 1. Technobabble66 2. Midnight Brew 3. Blind Dog 4. eldertaco 5.GrumpyPaul FULL

W. Gladfields Red Back 1. eldertaco 2. Blind Dog 3. Brewbienewbie 4.MICBREW 5.GrumpyPaul FULL

Thomas Fawcett FM Pearl $52.50/bag...cheapest grain here $ for $

1. Grainer 2. Mikko Pludra 3. Reserved 4. Reserved 5. Reserved 6. Reserved 7.DU99 8.MartinOC 9. Midnight brew 10.Midnight Brew 11. Siborg 12.Helles 13. Helles 14. Technobabble 15. Nosco 16. Mialee 17. Grainer 18. mofox1 19. Michael Bowron 20. Droid 21.Larkins 22. DJ_L3ThAL 23. takai 24. Curly79 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
