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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. F

    Newbie chill question

    One day I'll invest in equipment such as that, but for now my "kettle" has no tap, it's nothing more than a really large pot. To drain, I either need a siphon or to grab it by the handles and pour! I'd never heard of a plate chiller, looks great! I've never really liked the idea of using a...
  2. F

    Newbie chill question

    The most likely place the infection came from was the yeast starter, I think. I was expecting the ice bath to cool the cube much quicker than it actually did, and I created the yeast starter far too early. It ended up sitting around for about an hour before I added it! Plus, I had covered it...
  3. F

    Newbie chill question

    Thanks for that, I was thinking of boiling around 18L and then bringing it up to about 23 with the ice blocks.
  4. F

    Newbie chill question

    I've very recently tried my first AG and tried the cube method in an ice bath to chill, but I must have introduced an infection somewhere along the way, and pretty much need to dump this brew and try again. But it got me thinking about chilling techniques, and I would like to ask for any (and...