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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MonkeyMagic

    Newbie Brewer Here!

    id love to do it, but i just don't have that second fermenter. so i think it might have to wait a couple of brews :( thx for the future information though, ill reference it when i get the gear sorted out :D
  2. MonkeyMagic

    Newbie Brewer Here!

    as it is my first time should avoid the bulk prime?
  3. MonkeyMagic

    First Time Brewer

    yeh i figured that. I have an air lock with a removable lid, so think ill just take that off when measureing and then shoot some sanitiser...
  4. MonkeyMagic

    What I Like Most About Ahb!

    LAtest thread feature at the top, very good for keeping up to date with the forums. I like the java chat, but not many ppl seem to use it...also it is a very pleasent way of getting info from a bunch of verry experianced blokes im finding.
  5. MonkeyMagic

    First Time Brewer

    does one not worry about sanitisation of tap after taking readings? if so how do i go about this? btw thx homebrewer79 and raven for your quick & helpful responses :)
  6. MonkeyMagic

    First Time Brewer

    alright so the goal is to keep outside bugs out of the fermenter?!?! So how do i got about checking the Hydrometer? do i just take the airlock out and pour it into a test tube or something? also i have a pack of finings with the kit, should i throw them in when i know its done and give them a...
  7. MonkeyMagic

    Australian Story On Abc1 Last Night

    thats a good one. pity i missed it :( pity livestock don't grow on vines, could've made the drought easier.
  8. MonkeyMagic

    Whats Annoyed You The Most On Ahb?

    not everyone is a saint, no point ranting...just build a bridge. If he can't dignify a response then hes not worth your time.
  9. MonkeyMagic

    Show Us Your Airlock Gromet

    2L pet bottles my guess :)
  10. MonkeyMagic

    Newbie Brewer Here!

    *Bump Update of Brigalow lager with 1kg dextrose and kit yeast: ok ive just been letting it do its own thing for about a week, its constantly been bubbling once every 30seconds and atm once almost every 20ish seconds...its been sitting around about 13/14degrees. its a hot day today soo i should...
  11. MonkeyMagic

    Newbie Brewer Here!

    Update time i guess, my brew has been sitting in a room with the temperature of about 14degrees for 2 days...which is just under the recomended temperature. It is producing gas, but very slowly. any thoughts?!? should i let it keep doing its thing or try and boost temerature?
  12. MonkeyMagic

    The Australian National Homebrewing Conference

    Another noob question from me, i do live in melbourne and sorta wanna go to this thing. is it free entree? ive been to the website but am just as lost, please someone guide this dumb monkey!!!!
  13. MonkeyMagic

    Ballarat Brewers

    I'm from ballarat, but living in melbourne while studying. Should be spending some time in school hols up there tho so some of you guys will have to teach me the tricks of the trade.
  14. MonkeyMagic

    Newbie Brewer Here!

    thanks guys, yeah there is a heap on information on here...might take me a few years to get through it :) anyways this batch should be prime then for when uni finishes :D ...hahaha brad, love the names! 'pigsy porter' lol!! you better copyright those
  15. MonkeyMagic

    Newbie Brewer Here!

    heya guys, i bought a 'Brigalow' brew kit yesterday 25(23?) litre one and threw on the kits lager mix for $57bucks. i dont have a heat belt and am a little worried about the crap weather in melbourne today(overnight temp) also id like to take some suggestions or even links for a good second...