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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Full Fermenter - Leaking Tap-valve. What To Do?

    I have had the snap on type all my brewing life and never had a problem. I have been given a screw on type,two brews-airlock has not moved at all and brew is leaking out.......never again. Scott.
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    War Zone - Operation Bottle Bomb

    I would estimate that i've done app. 30 to 35 brews,and i have had one solitary bottle explode-i have only ever used glass. I have never,ever used the hydrometer,and have done brews with up 5 1/2 kilos of fermentables. The bottle that exploded had one next to it that was as flat as a tack-double...
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    Threecan Brew

    SB,i am not brave,just stupid LOL!!! I have had plenty of mine last that long,and always been amazing-never a bad taste test. Scott.
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    Threecan Brew

    Hi Cracka, purely coincidental,but about 4-5 years ago(that's not the coincidence,i will get to it),i spoke to my local brew shop about attempting a Chimay Blue imitation. There were 2 x 1.7 kilo kits,500 grams of liquid wheat malt,another kilo of liquid malt(can't remember which one),two types...
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    Coopers And A Liquid Yeast?

    I am a KIT only brewer,but i have tried some brews that are as complex as you can be with kits. I can assure you that Liquid yeasts make a huge difference to the busier brews,but don't know about more basic ones. I doubt it would do any harm,that's for sure. Scott.
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    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi people, My name is Scott,and i joined today...... Have done bugger all brewing over the last four or five years,but just recently decided to have another go at it. the main reason is that i decided to open some brew from about 4 years ago,and they were absolutely sensational-shame they rarely...
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    Most Brewed And Favourite Beer Style, And Why?

    Steve,we are almost neighbours!!!! Profile is updated. Scott.
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    Coopers Extra Strength Vintage Ale - Recipe?

    Hi Guys, Just joined today,and flicking through some older topics came across this. I still have a case each of the 98 and 99 editions!! Did anyone come up with reasonable recipes for this brew? Scott.
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    Most Brewed And Favourite Beer Style, And Why?

    Hi Guys, Just registered,so i thought i introduce myself. I'm Scott from the central coast of nsw,and i love beer-drinking,or brewing...... I've just bottled my first brew in about 4 years,and have done an amber ale. I'm on here to learn a bit from you guys so cheers! Scott.