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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Kegerator Font

    Bumpety bump I'm kinda in the same situation but have yet to purchase the taps, anyone know of any decent dual tap ss fonts that will fit the Kegmaster series 3? I guess I would really like some SS flow restricting taps however Celli's wont fit onto a font (yet???) and Perlick's are chrome...
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    Coopers Dark Ale

    Sup Guys' Picked up a can of Coopers Dark Ale on special. Just needed something to throw on the cooker before my kegging gear arrives, also the Old man enjoys a darky every now and again. Does anyone have some good recipee's? Yeasts? Hops? Extracts? As it's starting to warm up abit down here...
  3. W

    Body Connects For Cornelius Keg? These are what I forgot to grab. No taps yet so I guess it can wait....for a couple of days (starts crying) Thanks for the help chaps.
  4. W

    Body Connects For Cornelius Keg?

    Ahhh bonus! Yeah I grabbed a couple of seal replacement kits, all sweet. Now I have to wait until next week for delivery damnit!!! Ooooo I'm gettin' all emotional from the suspense :rolleyes:
  5. W

    Body Connects For Cornelius Keg?

    Sup guy's Just placed an order on Craftbrewer for some kegging gear (Yesssss!!!) Anyway, I'm wondering if I also need the Beer out/Gas in body connects to mount on the kegs for use with the quick disconnects (ball lock)? Me, out of pure excitement and joy went and ordered an arse load of gear...
  6. W

    Brass Beer Taps?

    Hi Guys, Sorry if this question has been answered about a bazillion times, but I was just wondering if there is any difference (apart from color) in Chrome and Brass beer taps. I'm gearing up to transform the old fridge into my new...
  7. W

    Feeling Bavarian

    Hi Guys, Picked up a can of Coppers Bavarian along with some Saaz last night. 20gm's of Saaz for 40mins 20gm's @ flameout. Brewed to 23lt's using Saflager a BE1 along with 250gm's of LDME. OG was 1052,just wondering if it'll be "too" hoppy? As this will be the first time I've really added...
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    AHB Wiki: Using Coopers Bottle Yeast

    Turns out this was the case, stupid fermenter lid! Have to grease the ******* up next time....
  9. W

    AHB Wiki: Using Coopers Bottle Yeast

    Greetings all, First post (woohoo), anyway's back on topic. It's been 36hrs and still no bubbly from the airlock, I followed the PDF doco accordingly so I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts? There is some definate frothing on top of the wort from what i can see through the lid. Used a...