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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    i've done this receipe, cracked open the first one tonight, quite frankly my best homebrew yet! a big thanks to person who came up with this one. my new favourite brew :icon_chickcheers:
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    Why Does Some Yeast Stick To The Sides

    glass not smooth so yeast sticks. i guess.
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    Show Us Your Hop Scale

    here is mine, kenwood , seems to do the job fine.
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    Req: Smh Good Living Yesterday 3 Feb

    i've got access to that PDF, i'll pm you
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    Aaaaaagghhhh Its Absolute Crap

    we tried SOL after the 20/20 game on boxing day, was awful. never again. :icon_vomit:
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    Coopers Pale Ale Yeast/ Safale S04

    only advice i can give and which im following now if just try each yeast with the same recipe. that's what im doing at the moment. you'l hopefully make a decision on each on :chug:
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    2008 Hop Plantations

    my cluster rhizome failed to show signs of live. i killed it somehow. :(
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    Krausen, Then Nothing After 2 Days?

    I had the same problem as well but mine was 2 days! i had never used s-04 before so i thought it was normal. my pitching temp was 26 went to work then came home to find the airlock absolutely going nuts and that was only after 8 hours
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    Weighing Hops And Other Small Quantities

    I have a Kenwood scale does up to 3kg and 1 gram increments. bit pricey though got mine through credit card awards.
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    No Dex Sparkling Ale Recipe Wanted

    You're not wrong about the reciepe on the coopers site. i made my brew as to their instructions and added 15g of hops as well which still wasn't enough, FAR FAR too sweet
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    Any Advantage Aerating Wort With Pump & Stone For K+k?

    When I top my fermentor up to 23l with cold water I drop it from a great height, I manage to get about 4 inches of foam. Seems to be enough aeration I think?
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    Hop Rhizomes

    i'd be interested in purchase 1 Cluster, if available
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    Hop Rhizome Ebay Madness

    newbie here, been lurking for ages, only done about a dozen or so k&k brews. I too would have like to try and grow hops myself in the interets of DIY only downside is living on brisbane but afterall that is what homebrew is all about. Hopefully it will all settle down as more are available hope...