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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Bucko

    Light Beer

    Hey guys, been reading all these posts. All sounds good. But, I have a question. My fathers in law is a fellow brewer, but he just enjoys his regular kit purchased from the local Big W, as in a Tooheys Draught. He is early 70's and the doctor has told him he is border line diabetic. Plus, he...
  2. Bucko

    Banana Bread Beer

    Thanks all. I'll give the bananas a go just on a extract kit first. Then I might have a go at the mash. Sounds like a good'n. Hey Katie hope all goes well, if you do remember at all, I'll love to know how it works out for you. Happy days, Bucko.
  3. Bucko

    Banana Bread Beer

    Thanks for that. Katie, did you just chop the Nanas up and drop them into secondary? Stir gently and avoid splashing? As for the Banana flavour, never thought about that. I'll have to check that out too. Thanks BB. Cheers all. Bucko. :party:
  4. Bucko

    Banana Bread Beer

    Hello all, Just got back from the UK where i had many fantastic beers. One has stuck with me and it was a Banana bread Beer from Wells and Youngs. Same mob who do Bombardier Bitter. It was great. A malty full bodied beer with this banana flavour through it. Has anyone out there got a recipe for...
  5. Bucko

    What's Taking So Long

    Yeah, I think this might have been part of the problem. I normally use a fairly hard hose to fill to encourage a bit of frothing, but, I have been getting very high S.G. readings, eg 1080+. Thought I would try a gentle fill, but, still had a little foaming. Got a more realistic S.G. of 1046...
  6. Bucko

    What's Taking So Long

    Hey Guys, Thanks for the replies. :D Good news, checked it this morning and heard that wonderfull sound of "bloop bloop". I have read somewhere that it's the yeast that determines the timing of your brew, how true is that. I have had liquid yeast that has taken it's time to work, but, first...
  7. Bucko

    What's Taking So Long

    :( Hello fellow brewers, I have a situation for you all to comment on. Last Monday i put down a Cooper's IPA. I did everything how i normally do things. I rehydrated the yeast, it was foaming up, eveything was looking good. I added the yeast to the fermenter when the wort was 22-24 degrees. I...
  8. Bucko

    Cube Crisis - The Great Mix Up!

    :beer: Thanks guys. Kind of thought it was something like that. Just another question. If you are going to use a cube for lagering, do you fit an airlock, or do you seal it up air tight? Plus, i read somewhere about the less head space the better. Is this true? Cheers again. Bucko.
  9. Bucko

    Cube Crisis - The Great Mix Up!

    :blink: :excl: G'day guys, Ok, firstly this is my first time posting. I was using the Grumpy's forum before they stopped it. I just had to ask the question, what is a cube? I've read a bit through this forum past and present posts. From what I can gather, it is something you rack to to...