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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Full Homebrew Setup For Sale In Brisbane

    Hey guys, I'm selling my gear, i think it would greatly benefit a beginner, or enable a seasoned brewer to produce truly excessive quantities of alcohol. I'm selling: -120+ tally bottles (enough for 4 batches; 8 standard cartons) -2 fairly new fermenters -a really old bench capper, still works...
  2. P

    The Scarcity Appropriate Bottles

    i actually went in search of that place with my girlfriend last week. the road is divided my a train track, and after 97 legeyt is somewhere vaguely based amongst car wrecker yards and a big empty field.. after searching for a while and unsuccessfully trying to call we assumed the place had...
  3. P

    The Scarcity Appropriate Bottles

    haha, no unfortunately bars don't deal with tallies. something to do with responsible service of alcohol, and tallies getting you tanked :) I'll check out some new home brew stores. only been to the one in chapel hill so far...
  4. P

    The Scarcity Appropriate Bottles

    Hi, I'm quite new to brewing, but have been interested in it for some time. I've just started studying again and decided it would be a perfect excuse to splash out and buy a pair of fermenters, and start creating my own beer flavours. Having been a full time bartender for a few years now i...