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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Sugar Cubes

    I've used carbonation drops for a couple of years but just decided to try the CSR sugar cubes, although the package doesn't say how many teaspoons in each cube (although rectangular now), does anyone know the size in 'teaspoons'? and, has anyone had experience using these? I'm assuming a...
  2. S

    Beer, Blood Pressure And The Ticker

    ........ that's good Kabooby, should be more of them, likewise with Dentists. Funnily enough, general 'mouthcare' can play a fairly big hand in preventing certain forms of heart disease, so a bit of preventative dentistry can also help, who's visited a dental hygenist?
  3. S

    Beer, Blood Pressure And The Ticker

    ...... by the way, have you ever tried 'dry enzyme'? I've used it in my beers for the last year. It removes the residual sugars, and definitely makes the beer a bit drier, and supposedly, reduces your sugar intake.
  4. S

    Beer, Blood Pressure And The Ticker

    Beerguy, do you remember when they warned us against eating more than three eggs a week? or, when they said don't be around people with colds? I reckon it's all a crock, what they should say is; for each egg you eat you'll need to exercise for 1 hour (or whatever); or, if you want give your...