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  1. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    RE: Fan inside fridge. I'm starting my cold crash and as usual I'm getting some condensation in the fridge on the back wall. Is it safe to keep running the fan under these conditions?
  2. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Cool, saw these at Jaycar yesterday, good to know they won’t blow up. I was thinking they looked a bit similar to my camping fan that burnt out. In theory though if I want to use a 240v option the target fan I linked above can’t be too far off the Katabat fans right? How are you constantly...
  3. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks, this looks like a good idea
  4. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks Mark, how does a computer fan get power? I have no idea how to do any wiring type stuff. I've been looking for a regular 240v plug in fan. I'm happy to spend for something good, but everything that is small looks like this:
  5. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Anyone got a tip with this one? Can I really run a ****** little fan inside the fridge safely for 24 hours a day? I once had a battery operated camping fan burn out on me whilst sleeping in a car, nothing happened, but I'm nervous.
  6. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks to everyone for your comments. Reading back through everything in the thread, it seems that basically any single part of my process/equipment could be the cause of the issue, so essentially it's looking like the best option is to completely start again, with new equipment, in a new...
  7. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Is paper towel an acceptable substitute for freshly laundered tea towels for laying down gear after being sterilised? I have tried paper towel, but usually just sanitise my kitchen bench with a spray of StarSan. I don't launder tea towels that often to be honest. What does everyone else do for...
  8. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks, this might have been an issue for me early on, but a few months ago I pulled apart the fridge as best I could, removed all glass shelves that I use, stripped off their plastic edges and cleaned, and also removed the door seal and cleaned. Also of course, just a full nuke of the inside of...
  9. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks, I tried this, avoided dry hopping for two batches straight and still got the problem :(
  10. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks for your help :) - I am renting and cant add a water filter, what is your best method besides filtering - boiled and cooled tap water? - Good to hear that someone has been through a similar environmental problem and after reading a few things in this thread, I definitely need to try a...
  11. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks, what is your recommended method for the lid then? I know once pressure drops and during cold crashing, things can get sucked in, but still at odds to find the best method to seal up the fermenter during this time. Airlock can suck backwards, and perhaps glad wrap isn't a good enough...
  12. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks for those notes, will use on my my next batch for sure, definitely more in depth that what I do now, which is basically pitch and ferment at optimum temp, raise maybe 1-2 degrees towards the end of fermentation, then cold crash as quickly as possible. But in regards to solving my...
  13. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    The oxygen kit is only brand new and only used on the latest batch, so it's not the problem. It's a sweet flavour and although I'm not 100% sure, it most closely matches the description for Diacetyl, and I have had a good look through the complete off flavours PDF that is floating around. I...
  14. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks for your post. 1. No, and thank you for bringing this up, because it definitely sounds like something that could be a problem. This will now be one of the first things I try. 2. Yes, but not recently. May be worth another try. All the advice I read on here was always "ditch the lid and...
  15. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks :) When you say "cold side stuff" is that referring to fermentation equipment only, or does that also include bottles and bottle tree?
  16. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    What does everyone think about the below that I posted earlier re: getting rid of equipment that may have been in contact with infected brews? Couple of other questions regarding my potentially sullied equipment, how far do I need to go? - I've got an unused FWK that's been sitting in the same...
  17. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Sounds intense. I’m looking to downsize my fridge anyway, might be time to look for something smaller
  18. B

    Ongoing Diacetyl ? off flavour

    Thanks. Can you run the fans 24/7 with no electrical fire danger?