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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. kofo

    How Are Your Hops Doing?

    Still too early really, and different varieties will appear at different times. I had a poke around under the mulch to see what was going on (was paranoid some had gotten waterlogged with all the rain) but all was good, lots of little shoots underneath waiting for things to warm up. Its no...
  2. kofo

    Hop Trellis (sideways)

    Once they grow to the top of our trellis (3.5m), I train the them sideways, you have to keep wrapping them down otherwise they try and head up, but they can be trained easily enough. With a few extra horizontal wires, you can train some of the laterals as well, which produce a lot of flowers...
  3. kofo

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hey guys, I'm andy, or kofo as me mates call me. We live in south-west WA, south of nannup, In the middle of wine country...not as bad as it sounds. Helps to be flexible :) Theres a few local breweries popped up in the last few years, so theres hope :] I've done a few extract, and a couple of...