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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. RedDwarf

    Standard Drinks Calculator

    Tactical Chunder...Thats gold!
  2. RedDwarf

    S*%$ F*%& C*%@ !

    Oh man thats some funny s%&^! Thanks Lobsta you made my day.
  3. RedDwarf

    Questions From A New Homebrewer

    Hi Chad, I'll try answer some from my experiences. There is plenty of info to be found in searching this forum... 1) There should be plenty of nutrients in the beer kit for the yeast, even more with the malt you've added. I've done kits before where the goo wasn't mixed properly, pretty much...
  4. RedDwarf

    Coopers Stout Not Fermenting

    I wouldn't raise the temp. If it doesn't start at 21 degrees it probly never will. Check for other signs of fermentation. Krausen (foamy layer on top of the beer). Sometimes you can see a layer of yeast on the bottom too. If there are no signs after 3 days I would consider pitching another...
  5. RedDwarf

    Pitch Another Yeast?

    Both your gravity readings seem high. Maybe the hydrometer is wrong. Check it in water, should be 1.000. Was a 23L batch?
  6. RedDwarf

    Adventurous Brewers Wanted

    I think this is a great idea, pretty much the only way to learn what things affect our beers the most. Reading about brewing is one thing but hands on experience is hard to beat. I was trying something like this to find out what some hop flavours are, being new to home brewing. Flavours and...
  7. RedDwarf

    You Can Buy Anything On Ebay

    Geez I only posted this cause I thought it would give people a laugh. Maybe should have posted to the jokes section. Who would honestly buy beer from ebay? :blink: LOL Maybe the mods can end this thread now?
  8. RedDwarf

    You Can Buy Anything On Ebay

    what the ?. This guy has some balls. ViewItem $11 a carton. Hmmm, I wonder if its AG? Doubt it.
  9. RedDwarf

    Think I've Ruined My First Few Batches...

    You would probably get funny flavours if it starts at 38 degrees! It may take a day to drop to 20 by which time that yeast may have already made some off flavours. I know my beers improved 10 fold once I kept the temp < 20. One the day before brew day fill a large container, or cube, with water...
  10. RedDwarf

    Real Ale Experiment

    I had a Munich Larger that had a nice sort of honey aftertaste. Don't know if thats how it was supposed to be but it was good anyway. Will definately try that recipe in a future brew.
  11. RedDwarf

    Hop To Malt Ratios

    Was it the yeast from the kit? I have a Morgan's BL lager going at the moment using the kit yeast. It said ferment at 15-30 degrees, so I guess its not a true lager yeast. (30 degrees... pffft, as if :lol: ) If the ferment didn't finish properly and you bottled, be careful you haven't got...
  12. RedDwarf

    Clear Beer

    I bottled my last brew after 6 days and it was very cloudy. The bottles have a lot of sediment in the bottom. Still a very nice beer but just need to be careful on the pour. This time I was thinking of putting the whole fermenter in the fridge for a couple days after fermenting stops. Hopefully...