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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    2009 Hop Plantations

    Thats awesome thanks. If i was looking to move them from one spot in the ground to another, when is the best time to do this? Cheers Simon
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    Yes - what to do with the Bines post harvest ? Thanks Simon
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    A new question guys and sorry in advance if its been answered ini the 35 pages prior. Q) What do i do once i've harvested my first year Cascade crop. (I live in the SE suburbs Melbourne)? Thanks, Simon
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    Hi Guys, As stated Photo's added. Some first year Cascade Cheers, Simon
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    Thanks QLDKev for the prompt reply....thats awesome.
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    Guys - when do you know the cones are to be picked? Does anyone have a close up picture? Cheers, Simon
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    2009 Hop Plantations

  8. S

    2009 Hop Plantations

    I like the look of the chain lock BB, its got me thinking about my winter climbing beans and my hops next summer. Any idea what Bunning's charges? Update on my hops - They have reached the roof of the garage now and have started flowering. I think they are 3x first year Casade. I am having fun...
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    Not one of my strong points, thanks for the reply
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    2009 Hop Plantations

    First Time Hop Grower - Hi Gents, I bought and planted three rhyzomes 2 weeks ago and have not yet seen and sign of life. Should i be concerned? Living in Melbourne
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    How Much Gas Do You Get From Your 6kg Bottle?

    Guys, Thanks for you help...i found the leak. I used the pool trick....i pulled the system apart...went around to the folks place...dropped the rig in the pool...and bingo found the bubbles straight away. Shamefully...when i rushed to do the install at home....i forgot to use teflon/plumping...
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    How Much Gas Do You Get From Your 6kg Bottle?

    I justed wanted to add a word of thanks for all the responses so far (apart from Supra-Jim), Its appreciated
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    How Much Gas Do You Get From Your 6kg Bottle?

    he's all talk and no action!!! he thought his supra was top sh*t, thank God he sold it
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    How Much Gas Do You Get From Your 6kg Bottle?

    Turn it up Jimbo, nothing wrong with the reg i checked it for leaks with soapy water!!!!!
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    How Much Gas Do You Get From Your 6kg Bottle?

    Hi All, Newish to kegging and have just found my first gas bottle empty. Its a 6kg bottle. I did about 5 cornies, carbonating a dispensing. It lasted about 6 months. Both cornies appear to hold gas. When installed i used brand new lines and clamps. A second hand regulator. I checked all...