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  1. Haiper


    Thanks for the heads up folks. I'll leave it a few more days just in case then bottle it. Cloudy cider doesn't phase me but it's always a nice feeling top know you've made a nice clean product.
  2. Haiper


    Hey all, silly question for you. My cider has been brewing for over 2 weeks now and is still bubbling out of the airlock. However, the hydrometer is giving me consistent measurements of 1010 over the space of a couple of days. I have read that when this occurs, it's right to bottle yet the...
  3. Haiper

    Boiling The Sugar And Water Initially

    I've only done two brews so far in my entire life but after watching... ...and his other clips. I tried not quite boiling my wort as such but heating it up almost to a boil to help mix and dissolve everything. It's worked really well for me so far and I have had no troubles but then again...
  4. Haiper

    Rate Of Fermentation

    I currently have almost the exact same brew on the go at the moment. It's been over two weeks now and it's still fermenting strong. Be prepared for a loooong wait. Mine has been stting at about 18-20deg for the two weeks though so I moved it to a warmer spot today to speed it up a bit. I've...
  5. Haiper

    My First Beer

    Nice looking brew there brewgirl. I'm a newbie myself. To keep my keg cool I made up a dripper system like smeone else made on here. 20l drum of water, towel wrapped around fermenter and sitting in a bin of some sort (I use a new fish bin). Piece of pipe with a dripper in it going into the...
  6. Haiper

    Coopers Beer Kits

    I think it's all in the individual's taste buds who is drinking it. I made the good old Coopers Lager that comes with the kit a few weeks back now with nothing else added and opened a bottle tonight, and although it could still sit for a few more weeks I really enjoyed it. Had a really nice...
  7. Haiper

    Feel Like Making An Attempt At An Apple Cider

    I've had mine bubbling at 20deg steady for spot on two weeks now and it's still bubbling. I moved it to a slightly warmer (22deg) part of the house in an attempt to speed it up a little bit. Like I said before, I had about 3-4 mouthfuls out of my testing cup and it was felt straight away....a...
  8. Haiper

    Feel Like Making An Attempt At An Apple Cider

    Hey frogman, did you find the 2kg of sugar knocked you off your feet? I went and tested mine out of the keg earlier today and it tastes great but about 3 or 4 mouthfuls and I really felt it. Is going to go down a treat at the next party I go to.
  9. Haiper

    Feel Like Making An Attempt At An Apple Cider

    I've got a keg of a Black Rock Cider kit in right now and it's pretty good. I'm certainly happy with it. I just used the kit, 2L of preservative free Juicy Isle apple juice and 2kg of white sugar. I boiled them up in a stainless steel cooker and then added the rest of my water into the keg...
  10. Haiper

    Black Rock Cider

    Yup dissolved fine. Like I said, I made up my batch in a big stainless steel pot on the stove. I got the kit and some juice nice and hot before I added the 2kg of sugar and just slowly stirred it in. It went in fine. Then when I added the rest of the cold water it came out a perfect...
  11. Haiper

    Black Rock Cider

    The rule of thumb I've been given is: No sugar for flatter cider 1 tsp for mildly fizzy 2 tsp for fizzier That's in layman's terms, which I understand......
  12. Haiper

    Black Rock Cider

    I am just making one of these right now, see my other thread on this page. I put in 2l of preservative free apple juice and 2kg of white sugar. I was told by the lovely lady at the HBS that she makes it regularly and uses 2kg of white sugar. She said NOT to use dextrose and to save it for...
  13. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    From memory that's what mine said too. I didn't read the fine print though and most manufacturers can't resist putting muck of some form or another in their produce. I'll do a hydrometer reading tonight. I really want to leave it for quite a while but it's just so tasty looking and I'm sure I...
  14. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    It's not a horrible saccharine taste. It actually tastes great, it's just quite sweet.
  15. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    Well it's been in for a week now at a steady 20-21deg and stopped bubbling so I gave it a try just to see how it was going. VERY sweet. Could be something to do with the 2kg of sugar I was advised to put in. Any suggestions for reducing the sweetness of the cider?? Is there some additive I...
  16. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    If this cider turns out well, I'm really keen to make a press and make my own juice. If you live near any apple orchards, you could approach the owner and ask to pick up some of the windblown apples out of the rows, most wouldn't mind I'm sure (I grew up working in orchards, it's where apple...
  17. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    Amen to that brother. ;)
  18. Haiper

    How Can I Fix My Airlock?

    I've got a Cooper's barrel and have had nothing but success with it, guess it's just luck of the draw. My first batch of lager had krausen foaming out of the airlock like a rabid dog, so I decided to make a blow off tube for this last batch of cider I just put down. I popped a 50cm length of...
  19. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    Hmmmm, thanks for the heads up. My first lager looks like it might be a winner though, so I'll have to see. Where I am we can't drink the tap water (east coast of Tas [may as well be a third world country not being able to drink the tap water]), 4 bouts of gastro in 2 years is proof of that...
  20. Haiper

    Cider Advice

    OK, she's in. 1 x Blackrock Cider kit 2lt rain water 2kg white sugar Heated water in stainless steel boiler until nearly boiling then added kit and sugar and stirred in. Popped mix into fermenter then added the 2lt of juice and 19lt of rain water from the tank. Temp was sitting sweet on...