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  1. SpuddyMcSpud

    Fridge Too Cold?

    Thanks mate, I'll give your suggestions a go.
  2. SpuddyMcSpud

    Fridge Too Cold?

    Hmmm... the brew's been out of the fridge since 11am yesterday and is back up to ~18 degrees but I've had no activity through the airlock at all. I'm hesitant to take the lid off for fear on infection - should I go grab another pack of yeast from Grumpys or let it sit and see what happens? As...
  3. SpuddyMcSpud

    Fridge Too Cold?

    Thanks guys, I've taken it out of the fridge and back into the laundry to let it warm back up. On the subject of temperature controls for fridges, I know the Fridgemate is a bitch to install. Are the "no wiring required" fridge thermostats from Grain & Grape any good...
  4. SpuddyMcSpud

    Fridge Too Cold?

    Gerday resident brewmeisters, In an effort to keep my fermentation temps down, I recently bought a secondhand fridge. I did some initial tests (by putting the fermenter filled with water in for 24 hours and checking the temps) so thought I had it all pegged. I did a brew last night (just a...
  5. SpuddyMcSpud

    Unusually High Sg

    I'd be more than happy to have the spare bedroom for the TV and couch if she wants the shed!! The high SG was indeed due to not mixing well enough - it had dropped to 1.032 24 hours later and down to 1.021 yesterday. So... crisis averted. You can all rest easy again. ;) Thanks for the help!
  6. SpuddyMcSpud

    Unusually High Sg

    Ahh incomplete mixing would be the culprit, I was in a bloody hurry to get it done (my wife is 8 1/2 months preggers and had 40,000 chores for me to do, all of which were absolutely postively must-be-done-right-now urgent). Will this cause any issues with the final brew? (The incomplete mixing...
  7. SpuddyMcSpud

    Unusually High Sg

    G'day resident brewmeisters, Just a quickie - I did a search but couldn't find anything that looked similar to my problem - I just finished making a brew (using Cooper's Pale can and 1kg of Cooper's Brew Enhancer #2, all done as per Cooper's instructions) and took my SG... 1.069! Is it just me...
  8. SpuddyMcSpud

    Coopers Realale Quick To Ferment

    Adamt, Nice avatar, top show that. Although it's gone a bit stale since they brought Danny Divito in I reckon. Not trying to hijack the post (sorry sid), but on the subject of controlled temps, my last two brews have stayed at around 24 degrees despite my best efforts. Do you think that's too...
  9. SpuddyMcSpud

    Coopers Realale Quick To Ferment

    Not sure about the reusing of the yeast cake, but my recent Coopers kits have been suprisingly fast. I put down a Pale Ale on Friday, it went berzerk less than an hour later and by the looks of things it'll be ready to go by Tuesday. I was wondering if maybe they're just fresher kits - the...
  10. SpuddyMcSpud

    A Few Newbie Brewing Questions

    Popped into Grumpy's this arvo and got two lots of the Masterbrew Boston Cream Ale and some Safale US-56. They didn't have any of the hopped extracts, so I've done one brew with Cooper's Pale and the other with Cooper's Lager. Hopefully they'll cut the mustard. The methods used are a bit more...
  11. SpuddyMcSpud

    A Few Newbie Brewing Questions

    Cheers Fatgodzilla and mckenry for your info too - I think I'll give Grumpy's a go. Although by the sounds of things some people around here don't like them?? As for DrSmurto and the Crows, well I guess you can't account for everyone's tastes. One positive thing for them I s'pose is having more...
  12. SpuddyMcSpud

    A Few Newbie Brewing Questions

    I had it fermenting for 5 days, but didn't take gravity readings. I'll do that in future though. The bottle I opened was a little flat, but the small about of head it had pretty good retention. I knew it was too early to open but I'd run out of beer and dammit that just ain't right. :) I'd read...
  13. SpuddyMcSpud

    A Few Newbie Brewing Questions

    G'day everyone, I've only been brewing for a few weeks now and just wanted to check a few things with the resident experts before I do my third brew. Prolly all stupidly simple things but there's so much conflicting info on the 'net I figured it'd be worth asking... Firstly, my first brew of...