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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Modding the FERMENTASAURUS

    Take the float off, put a stainless 12mm nut or similar over the tube. put float back on. it's enough weight to keep the tube end under the liquid surface.

    Hydrometer sitting at 1020

    I had a mid-strength start at 1.037 and stop at 1.020. Tried everything,... temp increase, shake up ( under pressure ) , pitched more yeast, shake again, etc etc...… Finally gave up, cold crashed and kegged. Once I tasted it I was looking for a competition to enter it into! It was meant to be...

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    Cool, Thanks WEAL , that's what I have been doing, wort gets oxygenated when I tip from my cube to fermenter through a large funnel but that just happens regardless.... just this time the blow tie got blocked and it went to 25PSI....

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    Ok, last dumb question, do I pressure the fermenter up with CO2 from my bottle?.... I see that's how some do it on you-tube..... wouldn't I want as much O2 in there as possible for the yeast,.... (and let the CO2 build up naturally),.....or do they only need the oxygen that's in the liquid and a...

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    Thanks Guys, any tips on pressure fermenting ? I'm especially interested in brewing Mid-strength Lagers, Pressure on lagers reduces esters and phenols right ? Should I attach the spunding valve straight up, or let the yeast do its thing for a bit first ?

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    As stated, hydrometer readings at 18 -20C, and yes I made sure it was 'flat'

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    Why not expect a lager ? i have had issues trying to get a 3.5% lager right -- any tips appreciated

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    Hydrometer,.... as stated :)

    Did I kill my Yeast ?

    Hi Guys, Firstly, thanks for your responses on pitching onto yeast cakes..... Now I have a new issue.... My (PALE ALE) fermentation has stalled from 1.037 to 1.020. It is in a Fermzilla. I pre-set my spunding valve ( blow-tie ) to approx 8PSI on an empty keg with CO2, & set my fridge to 18C (...

    Re-using yeast from last ferment

    Guys, My first batch in my new Fermzilla is about to finish (pressure) fermenting. I have cubes ( same style ) ready & waiting to go , OG 1.037 ( 3.6% Est. ). I've heard that after I do a 'zilla to keg transfer, that I can just tip the next cube straight on top of the old trub and the yeast...

    RO water filter recommendation

    Hi Scomet, I think that when they talk about "lack of ions" they are talking large scale industrial water treatment to make PURE water. These systems have Cation drums, degassifiers & anion drums and usually a 'polisher' as well. Your 'home' under-sink type RO unit will not give you 'pure' water...

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    Last night I said to my wife " I'm gunna give you a huge orgasm !! " So I did. .............then the bitch spat it straight back in my face !!

    Chilling the wort.

    Tramsfer your Wort at 85C. Below that isomerisation stops, i.e- no more bitterness.

    Chilling the wort.

    60 becomes 40, 30 becomes 10 etc etc... I use Bittering at 40, sometimes a bit at flameout, the rest into the cube. Add wort at 85C. Always good, never a problem :) I don't bother with a whirlpool as the false bottom takes care of most of the gunk. Also I pressure ferment with a silicon dip...

    Continuing Jokes Thread

    WARNING - This joke has what some might consider offensive language - do not read if easily offended ! A really rough and ragged bloke out on a station comes bursting through the front door of the homestead with his dog by his side and says to his missus " Right !,.. I'm goin' pig...

    No chill hop additions with hop spider

    I hot cube all the time now. Here's my method; Start a 60min boil Add first Hops at 40 mins ( count back 20 mins ) Adjust other additions to 20mins ( 30 min at 10 mins, 25min addition at 5 mins, I usually don't use any ) Add 20 or 15 min additions at flame out ( 0 mins - generally how I do it )...

    Hi all im new here and have a larger issue.

    Always pitch at ferment temps. There are exceptions but this is a very good rule of thumb. Adjust temps later in fermentation for rests etc.... Also.... Lagers will almost always need two packets of yeast. Again, some exceptions where you want to stress the yeast on purpose, but for now, two...

    astringent bitterness

    Yep, KegLand, Comes with spare tip and calibration powders.

    astringent bitterness

    pH..... If your sparge water is above 6pH, you'll be stripping Tannins left right and centre from my understanding. I had similar issues starting off.... our town water's PH is 8.2 !! All my beers were **** no matter what I did.... then I started adding salts / acid to my mash AND sparge water...

    Inkbird Giveaway for ITC-308 & Full Package for Black Friday Promotion

    How is it possible that I have been looking at purchasing 3 of these products just this week ( waiting for Pay-Day ) and now here they are ? I REALLY need them,..... Low and slow BBQ and All Grain Brewing,.... hand in hand ...... :)