Any chance of a digiboil (specifically the 65L) with a dished bottom? They make for great boil kettles, having a centre draining port would be prerferable for CIP.
Looking to use the temp twister coil with Duotight fitting to make a small volume HERMS.
These are temp rated to over 100C right? No issues with passing ~75C wort through these during a recirculation mash?
I have an SS Brewtech 1/2 bbl fermenter and my glycol pump recently broke.
Is the Temp Twister pump suitably powered to be able to push glycol through a unitank coil of that size...
Oh, this is absolutely awesome.
I always buy the small punnets of red sorrel from the supermarket, but can't seem to keep the alive. This would be fantastic on the kitchen bench for microherbs!