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  1. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Thanks again, Looking forward to next years grapes already.
  2. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Thanks Dave, Yes bentonite is a fining agent - seemed to do a nice job on the first batch, which I racked last night. Will leave second batch until the same sort of sediment is there and rack that. Re: fermenting in a fridge/icebox - how do you get the air in/out? Is that a problem? Alex.
  3. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Hmm. OK I will try next year. How could this temp be acheived in QLD? Air conditioning? My question about racking? When should I rack the first batch? Also, is it ok to add bentonite to the second batch now that it has finished fermenting? Thanks,
  4. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Hi all, Well I strained the second batch today and guess what - same thing!!! SG is 0.998 (slightly lower than 1st), so again it is finished fermenting (only 5 days?!) - this batch was done under airlock - well for 3 days anyway, and only 50gms of sugar was added before yeast. I am wondering...
  5. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Hi all, I have put the airlock on the fermenting bucket and filled it with cotton wool for the aerobic stage. The colour is pretty good already so I may strain tomorrow and put it in a demijohn. My question now is - is it too early to rack my first batch? It has only been in the demijohn...
  6. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Interesting.. Suppose I should try to fit an airlock to my bucket like my beer fermenter. It is just that this Australian wine book insists the aerobic fermentation must be done open and THEN secondary fermentation they call anaerobic fermentation with an airlock fitted.... ...actually just...
  7. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Hi again, Once more, thanks to all for the great advice. I am now a little more confident at least that the first wine will be ok, and that it just fermented a little faster than expected due to the humidity and warm temps we had last week. One thing that I found strange is the conflicting...
  8. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Thanks for the prompt replies people!! I love red (plus I have my own grape vines) so I must persist!!! I got a reply from an email to LiquorCraft which confirms my hopes.. that the fermentation has finished, and that .995 is good. Here is the reply: I think your fermentation has finished...
  9. alexd74

    Red Wine Problem!

    Hi all, I have searched the net for answers on this but has led me nowhere, so I am resorting to posting on forums such as this.... I am hoping someone may be able to help me..... I have 2 books on making wine (I have had my first decent crop of grapes this year) and have started making some of...