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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    How Many Beers Do You Drink Each Day, Average

    I find that when im stressed i wont drink at all but when i'm fairly happy i usually sink about 6 a night in the week and countless on the weekends.
  2. J

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    Oh my that sound's delicious! Ive had two fermentors on the go for a few months now so i have plenty of stock and don't intend on drinking the stout for at least 6months. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to hops, how much fuggles would you suggest?
  3. J

    Different Words That Mean "beer"

    Malt liquor Mothers milk Medicine
  4. J

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    Was thinking of doing something similar to the toucan in the above post, i'm thinking Coopers Stout Coopers Dark 500gm brown sugar 10gm Fuggles. Thoughts? Maybe chuck the fuggles up to 15gm?
  5. J

    Golden Syrup

    Yep it defiantly would have been, probably even got up to 30! I did that brew last year when i thought i knew what i was doing haha, let it sit in my garage at a temperature like that should pretty much make it clear i had know idea at all. I put down said brew today, did a boil and added the...
  6. J

    Golden Syrup

    I was led to believe the white film came about because i didn't boil up the golden syrup to kill any of the nasties in it?
  7. J

    Golden Syrup

    So i'm looking to use golden syrup in my next brew, Ive got a Coopers Draught can. So i was thinking about brewing : 1 Coopers Draught 1kg Light Dry Malt 300gm Dex 300gm golden syrup 9gm ringwood hops . Basically Last time i used Golden Syrup i developed a white film on top of my wort so i was...
  8. J

    No Artificial Sweetener Ginger Beers

    Thanks for the reply butters. It's a shame ive just ran out of all the chemist ingredients :D and will have to give the malt+lemon juice a try
  9. J

    No Artificial Sweetener Ginger Beers

    Is there anything else you can use in place of the yeast nutrient? I'm out at the old mans house in the bush and won't have access to a homebrew shop till i get home.
  10. J

    Two Can Screamer

    Cheer's for the reply :) Iv'e got a lot to drink through so by the time i get round to trying a bottle i think that it should have well and truly mellowed out!
  11. J

    Two Can Screamer

    Iv'e only recently started doing toucans, i put down two cans of coopers lager yesterday, am looking forward to seeing how it come's out. I also picked up two cans of Coopers Draught, how do you think this will turn out 2xCoopers Draught 300gm honey
  12. J

    Infected Ginger Beer?

    Yeah i know i shouldn't have done it but i just had to get a better look to see what was going on in there! haha i'm fairly impatient I hadn't found my hydrometer yet so on brewing day i didn't get to take the initial reading, the one i got today was 1026.
  13. J

    Infected Ginger Beer?

    Having recently moved and just settled in i was allowed to start homebrewing again (the mrs banned it till i sorted out all the bits and bobs around the new house) i thought i would brew a simple ginger beer Norma's ginger Beer - the kit included Ginger Concentrate 600mls Ginger Beer Brewing...
  14. J

    The Long Fermentation

    Not really related to this topic but didnt want to start a new thread. I recently broke my hyrdometer and have a brew thats been in the fermenter for 9 days. Obviously i cant test it. Would not being able to see into the fermenter due to the amount of condensation on the lid be an indication...
  15. J

    Mouldy Bottles

    Thanks again for the suggestions everyone. The bathtubs filling as i write this :super:
  16. J

    Mouldy Bottles

    Cheers and thanks for the fast reply :beer:
  17. J

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi everyone i'm Jarryd, Been brewing since november last year. Got the coopers homebrew kit for my 19 birthday and havent looked back. Haven't experimented more than a bit of hops or malt being added to the kit and kilo. Keen to learn everything i can then graduate on to kegging one day.
  18. J

    Mouldy Bottles

    Hey guys (and girls if any) Did a quick search and couldn't find any info. I went to a mates yesterday and picked up about 100 empties. The problem is most have little mold spots in them, nothing to serious but they're there. Would a good soak/scrub with sanitiser be fine in freeing them of mold...
  19. J

    Infection? (with Pics)

    haha no i tasted it and it's drinkable. ps i'm not to sure u can see my posts?