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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    high OG high FG?

    A few more questions... Does steeping with crystal malt add unfermentable sugars and so you expect a higher FG? In general do you target an apparent attenuation % or the FG number?
  2. P

    high OG high FG?

    Correct. There is nothing else. Just the dry malt extract bought from CheekyPeak.
  3. P

    high OG high FG?

    Hi all, New brewer here. This is my second/third brew with 2 small batch experiments. Both have been fermenting for 4 weeks with W-34/70 Saflager Yeast between 12-15 C (Canberra). Brew 1 OG: 1.048 (Light DME, no specialty grains steeped) FG: 1.014 (after 4 weeks) Brew 2 OG: 1.062 (Light DME...