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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Malt Extract Help

    Hey this is some great advice. I knew by comming to the source of brewing surely someone had seen the problem before. I think the sweetness is a little more complicated than not being left long enough on the yeast unfortunatly. I say this because i am ....umm "slack". Basically the earliest...
  2. B

    Malt Extract Help

    SOrry i forgot to mention, the sweetness is a sugary sweet. I thoughtit was because of fermenting temps so thats why i tried both yeats
  3. B

    Malt Extract Help

    hi, thanks for your replys. I have used both safale and saflager yeasts, so hence have fermented at temperatures around 10-15 and around 20-25. SG's have been as low as 1010 as well. Is there something that needs to happen with the preparing of the malt extract?
  4. B

    Malt Extract Help

    Although i am not a virgin to forums, i am a virgin to this forum. So since this is my first post, hi to all, i am looking forward to getting to know you all. I have been home brewing on and off for around 10 years now. brewed from Kits, modified kits and in the last year, coninciding with my...