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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. kevo


    howdy all - I’ve not been around AHB for a bit. Has Brewtoolz shut down or am I doing something wrong? Cheers Kev
  2. kevo

    Is It Just Me?

    2 years plus since spotting SOR on free to air... well done Netflix. :D
  3. kevo

    Small Batches for Recipe Tweaking

    I used to do 5L batches in demijohns in the kitchen of a two bedroom unit, then ferment and bottle in the downstairs garage. The intention was to tweak and then scale up - but the time taken to brew 5L wasn't that different to the time needed to brew 10L and then 20L. Nor were the equipment or...
  4. kevo

    Lallemand Nottingham

    I've used it in a UK IPA - went very well in terms of attenuation, didn't have a lot of yeast flavours (which I prefer) so happy days. As far as temp goes - I stick around 17/18C - then up the temp to about 20 once it's finishing out. Rarely go higher than 21/22C.
  5. kevo

    Swollen cube

    If you do own a cat - it might be best to do away with the cat anyway and then follow the other advice above. ;)
  6. kevo

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Sorry for the 'more often' post - didn't brew much in 2016 and would like to remedy that this year. So! Have just ordered grain for... Robust Porter 60 Shilling US Pale Ale :icon_cheers:
  7. kevo

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    More often...
  8. kevo

    stone and wood garden ale

    When did Garden Ale drop from 3.8% to 3.5%? Guessing it's to do with taxation...
  9. kevo

    Dodgy email supposedly from CraftBrewer - beware

    I got a similar one this morning (received the Craft Brew one too on the weekend) to my email that isn't linked to AHB, but using my AHB username, kevo... this one apparently from Australia Post.
  10. kevo

    Free - Tallies and Pint Bottle - Gold Coast

    No takers? Found some dimpled pints and Coopers Tour glasses as well...
  11. kevo

    Free - Tallies and Pint Bottle - Gold Coast

    Hi All Found some long forgotten bottles during a current clean up at my place. Approx 15 Coopers Tallies, approx 15 LC Pint bottles - approx half clean and capped with foil ready to fill. One very dirty tallie. I'm assuming it's stout dregs in the bottom of the bottle. Pick up Wednesday...
  12. kevo

    Best europe beer spots to visit

    A friend mentioned that after a night on the smoked beers in Bamburg that even the roadside slash on the walk home has a smokey aroma!
  13. kevo

    Lion cancel Tooheys Pale Ale production.

    Not a great fan either - was this an attempt to create a rival to Cooper's Pale - or just to rival the glut of Pale Ales on the market now?
  14. kevo

    Lagering In A Corny

    Reviving an old thread... If I'm planning to lager in a keg - would I also look to take a portion of the yeast with it into the keg? Plan to then transfer into another keg, leaving the yeast behind. My understanding is that the yeast has a role to play in the layering 'process?' Cheers
  15. kevo

    Brigalow bottling wands are cheap ****

    This is what 'leccy tape and sanitiser were invented for. And alcohol .... To help you cope with large portions of your batch flowing onto the garage floor.
  16. kevo

    (US)$40 bottle of Guinness

    Guinness Ambassador by the looks
  17. kevo

    DIY Dog - recipes for every brewdog beer ever made

    Yep - but it's free and not a bad reference for base recipes and starting points in my eyes. Makes some of what they have done very 'homebrew' IMHO - seem to be very focussed on teaching themselves and their customers what specific things taste like, lots of similar grain bills, even beyond the...
  18. kevo

    Another Rochefort 10 Thread

    Glad to hear the hard work and patience paid off. I'm kind of torn on these beers - they need so much care and attention to create and then patience and restraint! Btw - I wonder if this thread is cursed... Nearly every contributor has been banned!!! Kev
  19. kevo

    Black vs Midnight Wheat

    The recipe is described as an historic stout porter! Not aiming for a specific current style - just a dark beer that tastes good. No roasted barley so none of the acrid ashey which is nice. If only getting colour from the wheat will stick with the black. Cheers Kev