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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Gravity Help

    Wow - thanks for all the help guys, this will be my 3rd brew and I'm starting to get better at it! It's a buzz having 100 odd bottles just laying around waiting to be fridged and enjoyed! PS Whats K&K ??
  2. D

    Gravity Help

    Hey all, I have just started a Cascade Chocolate Mahogny and followed the destructions to the letter, and after 7 days @ 20 degrees, my wurt has stopped bubbling however the gravity is still at 1020 .... after starting at 1050 - it's been at 1020 the last 2 days .... is that too much to bottle...
  3. D


    ah Bonza mate - thanks for the reply
  4. D


    Hi everyone, I've just started my *ahem* second brew now and was doing some research when I stumbled upon my new home :beer: ....... so I mixed my new brew last night and it was bubbling away nicely this morning when I left for work and I came home to find it frothing out of the airlock :(...