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  1. V

    Who has a brew book?

    thanks for the photo aswell mofox1, its really helpful. I really like the idea of hand written notes, even though digital databases are very easy to use and convenient i think looking back on the notes could create a bit of nostalgia too that could be fun.
  2. V

    Who has a brew book?

    also i might have been unclear, my aim wasnt to put in everyones recipes and everyones notes into this book like a database. it was more about making a personal book that would start off with a few basic notes printed into it and lots of pages that you could add too as you become more experienced.
  3. V

    Who has a brew book?

    I had a feeling that might be the case. I guess i just like the idea of having a physical book that would gather a patina from each brew day and could be passed down. @Danscraftbeer, do you keep notes physically in a book before you put them into the software, or just on anything you can find?
  4. V

    Who has a brew book?

    Hey guys, As ive mentioned before, I'm doing a design project at uni for a home brewing kit and and idea to go along with that was to make a brew book. A book that has recipes (that you might have scribbled on and altered along the way), tasting notes, brew dates and things like that. Does...
  5. V

    Help a brother out

    whats the difference between all grain and a partial mash?
  6. V

    Help a brother out

    I was surprised that there were so few people that thought the boil was the hardest bit too. considering most people do home brewing for the hands on nature maybe it suggests that they enjoy the boil and therefore they dont see it as being too hard.
  7. V

    Help a brother out

    Here's a quick info graphic i made. Thanks for all the input guys! I left out the results for the 'kit' question due to the confusion, meaning it would most likely be quite inaccurate. If a mod could delete the link to the survey in the original post that would be great, i cant seem to edit it.
  8. V

    Help a brother out

    just out of interest, would those of you who thought i meant ingredient kit change their answer when talking about an equipment kit?
  9. V

    Help a brother out

    Wow i'm really overwhelmed by the response, you guys are all great. There's been over a hundred people that have taken the survey, so there's a fair bit of data to get through. I'll try put together a small infographic type thing tomorrow afternoon or tuesday and ill chuck it up here so you can...
  10. V

    Help a brother out

    Thanks Mr B, thats some really valuable feedback. I understand the questions/available answers are very limited and believe me when i say there is a lot of other research going into this project. The aim was to just get some quick opinions that i can quantify and display visually after. More...
  11. V

    Help a brother out

    thanks everyone. When i used the word kit, i was referring to a combination of both equipment and ingredients :)
  12. V

    Help a brother out

    getting a great response already, ill post up the results of the survey when i compile it, if you want. so you can see the general consensus of the forum :D
  13. V

    Help a brother out

    legend! really appreciate it
  14. V

    Help a brother out

    Hmm strange, try now. thanks!
  15. V

    Help a brother out

    Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and home brewing as well - I just bottled my first batch! I'm currently doing an honours Industrial design project at uni, I have just begun so i'm looking to get some general information from the community. By the end of this year I'll hopefully have a prototype...