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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. pickledherring

    Hopwater- possible alternative mixer ?

    In this vein, would you reckon that non-fermented beer would make a good drop? I'm aware of non-alcoholic beers, and they're awful. I'm thinking an IPA-style wort/softdrink. I could be barking up the wrong tree, but I'm really interested in the use of hops in soft drinks/tonics/kefir.
  2. pickledherring

    The Worst Beer I've Ever Tasted

    Tun Bitter is a must-try beer. For all the wrong reasons, but still a must-try. Drink it long enough, and you just may develop a taste for it (like I did). I took 3 cartons over a few months to get used to it. Occasionally I find myself thirsty for a tin of this river swill. It might say a lot...