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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Bulk Buy 9 Litre Kegs

    Made the call Friday to pay: keg turned up at work Monday arvo ( Brisbane ): simply awesome customer service. Props to Andrew at WineQuip and to the organizers. Of course I had to explain the keg to work colleges: Looks like I need to do a show and telland sample..... :)
  2. B

    Bulk Buy 9 Litre Kegs

    Just called the WineQuip guys: All sorted! Woo Hoo!! Many thanks to the organisers and especially Phillip for giving up his place in the queue: I was gutted when I missed the cut the first time around... Now to check out how the march pump BB is panning out.. I really don't know why I never...
  3. B

    Bulk Buy 9 Litre Kegs

    I'll put my hand up! So I guess I make a call now? Beanie PS. I drive a 1988 diesel hilux: sufficed to say I've never had a speeding ticket... Bad luck Phillip...
  4. B

    Bulk Buy 9 Litre Kegs

    Bugger. I've been going through this in my head for the whole weekend. Should I, shouldn't I.... I guess it pays to go with your heart and work out the finances later.. Anyhoo, fist time poster, long time reader: Gudday all. And just in case: if there is another one going, Im more than happy...