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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    First kegs. A few questions.

    Once my beer is transferred from fermenter to a sterilised keg I put the lid on, disconnect lines from other kegs in the fridge, turn regulator to 40psi and connect it to the keg just filled. I the. Purge the air with 2 to 3 pulls on the release valve on top of the keg then place in the fridge...
  2. T

    Smelly cider, can it be fixed?

    Thanks for the feedback ! Gassed it for 36 hours and purged a few times during the process and majority of the bad Sulphur/Rotten egg smell went. It was ready in the nick of time for my mates 30th and poured after the 36hrs of gassing at 40psi. Kegs nearly empty along with 6 other empty beer...
  3. T

    Smelly cider, can it be fixed?

    Put a pear and strawberry cider kit down wed week ago and it began smelling after about 5 days. Have changed fermenters 3 times and finally kegged this morning at 6am. Didn't smell as bad as it had but wondering if anyone has had the same experience and the end result tastes ok?