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  1. G

    Using Two Cans

    The advice on this thread is good. Basically the second can stands in for sugar or added malt (as compared to original instructions). I tried a toucan using Coopers Stout + Coopers Bitter. Lets just say it was a much too bitter. Quite weird. Next time I'll add a "weaker" can as the second one.
  2. G

    Little Black Flies?

    These flies can breed in the sink drain trap where I dump the old stuff? How does one eradicate them? Dump some bleach into the drain? Sanitizer? I have PVC pipes...
  3. G

    My First Toucan

    Thanks, I'm going to study that thread and try things a bit differently next time. Live and learn.
  4. G

    My First Toucan

    As a postscript, I thought I'd drop a note about how this batch turned out... Yup. Very, very bitter. I'm a bit dissapointed but glad I tried it out nonetheless. The final beer has been bottled for a about three weeks and the mouthfeel from the toucan seems much better than my previous kits...
  5. G

    Unusual Foaming?

    A recent batch of beer I made has puzzled me. The beer was primed with more dextrose in an attempt to up the carbonation a bit. The earliest bottles I drank were very carbonated and poured a nice fuffy head in the glass. They were almost like champagne or soda pop... a steady stream of bottles...
  6. G

    New Brewer - Coopers Draught Can

    For your first can just follow the kit instructions and see what you get. On your second can try switching from sugar to dry malt extract and dextrose. That way you have a basis for comparing how the elements work together. It's more important to learn the basic process when you are first...
  7. G

    My First Toucan

    I had considered trying that but was confused about why these cans are larger in size. That is what I should instead do with my next Coopers Stout. Thanks for that idea...
  8. G

    My First Toucan

    Thanks for the comments. The consensus seem to be that it will be very bitter. I've just racked this from the primary at day 15 and the SG is 1.012 at 19C from an original reading of about 1.042. I've lost a bit of volume from the forthy start and will let people know how it turns out. I think...
  9. G

    Your Wife And Beer

    It'd be interesting to post the same question on a AA board and see what happens. My wife is pretty good about the beer set-up I have. I never have more that one batch on the go at a time because it clutters up too much of the house. She'll have the odd beer and I know I have a good one if she...
  10. G

    My First Toucan

    I've been making the Coopers kits for close to a year and slowly moved from using sugar to adding DME instead and finally have tried my first toucan. Any ideas what this combo will be like? I found that I needed to pour both cans into a large pot and added some water and heat to improve the...
  11. G

    Coopers Bitter

    bconnery: to follow up to your response, Would it be safe to start the Coopers Bitter and add one of the Masterblends? Most of my Coopers kits ask for about 800g to 1000g of extra something (sugar, LDME, dextrose, etc) but (to cite your example) the Dark Crystal is like adding another 1450g of...
  12. G

    Coopers Bitter

    I'm a rather new brewer and have only six kits under my belt. All are Coopers. So I've become accustomed to adding 300g dextrose and 500 LDME to most things. I'm wanting to branch out a little and I'm looking for ideas for tinkering with this basic Coopers Bitter kit. The Coopers website has a...
  13. G

    Mexican Creveza

    If you are trying to get something that resembles a Corona i'd suggest adding lemon to your beer after you pour it. I've recently tried this same kit and used 500g of Spagnols American Gold Dry Light DME and 400g dextrose. OG was 1.035 at 22C and I used the Coopers yeast supplied with the kit...
  14. G

    Coopers Kit Yeast

    eteo, I have brewed a limited number of Coopers kits: a Stout; a Dark Ale; and their IPA. The first two probably have used an identical yeast (they shared, more or less, identical directions). However, my IPA instructions say that this kit uses a Pilsner style yeast. With that in mind, if you...
  15. G

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Stupid question: how did you navigate to that page? I can't seem to find the submit review feature for some other kits I've made.
  16. G

    Fizzy Bottle Priming

    I'm new to this stuff too and had the same problem (but I use sugar for priming). I mix the sugar into the whole batch before bottling but found that my bottles would fizz or bubble over as I filled them. I'd had to let them settle a bit, top them off a bit more, then cap. Are you using a tap...
  17. G

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Thank you both for the information!
  18. G

    Coopers Mexican Cerveza

    Boy, there sure seems to be alot of interest in this particular kit on this thread. Can anyone tell me what the heck the brew enhancer actually is? I've looked at some Coopers kits in my grocery store (in Canada) and I haven't come across them and several kits of theirs ask for it. Drews idea...
  19. G

    Coopers Ipa Questions

    Many thanks guys. Cheers!
  20. G

    Coopers Ipa Questions

    I am new to brewing (and this board) and have made a Coopers Stout and Coopers Dark Ale. These first two kits seemed straight forward, I followed the kit instructions to the letter, and used nothing but household sugar. The kits are now bottled and are a few weeks old and seem to have turned out...