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  1. Cervantes

    Which tap type for best pour

    Another vote for the Perlick Flow Control's if you can afford them. If not even the cheapies work quite well. Maybe not for as long though.
  2. Cervantes

    US05 for a Lager?

    Maybe a bit late for this input, but my local U-Brew it only use two yeasts for everything. A Cider yeast and S-04. S-04 for lagers, bitters apa's and everything except cider. And to be fair I've tried their lager in an emergency and it's pretty good.
  3. Cervantes

    23L keg usefulness

    I ferment in a 23L keg, it's just about the right size to fill a 19L corny. I put a thermowell in the lid and a tap at the bottom.
  4. Cervantes

    Reverse osmosis system.

    I have a small ebay version. It works (as far as I know) but is very slow. It will take all morning to fill a 20L Jerry Can. I use it as the tap water where I am is actually treated bore water and rubbish for brewing.
  5. Cervantes

    Jockey Box build

    All the jockey boxes that my local U Brew It rent out are plate type.
  6. Cervantes


    I've just ordered some and will give it a go. Got to be easier than messing around with Gelatine.
  7. Cervantes

    English (Brown) Porter

    I'm not sure if it's a good example of a classic brown porter, but this is the one that I brew and really enjoy drinking...........
  8. Cervantes

    Adaptor to refill your BBQ gas bottle at the servo.....

    Does anyone have any first hand experinece of these things? Do they work? Are they legal? Cheers Andy
  9. Cervantes

    ESB with Lyles black treacle?

    Golden Syrup is used in a lot of Graham Wheeler's real ale clone recipes. I've used it with success in Porters. I don't see why Lyle's wouldn't work.
  10. Cervantes

    Simple Wheat Recipe

    I make this one for my wife. It's also popular with most of my mates.
  11. Cervantes

    FS - Perth 20L BIAB EOI?

    Photos? How much? North or South of the River?
  12. Cervantes

    FS - Perth - 100L Brewery and SS Conical Fermenter

    Nice looking piece of kit. Do you mind if I ask a question? Why is the the stand tiered like a gravity feed system when you have pumps? Or did they come later? Looks like a bargain for someone.
  13. Cervantes

    Seeking advice

    Make yourself an Ugly Drum Smoker. Cheaper and much easier to maintain a stable temperature. You could make several for the price of the Hark.
  14. Cervantes

    Dry Yeast Pitching Calculators - What do you use?

    I've been doing some reading on this and there is a lot of varied opinion on the interwebs. I've personally decided against it for the time being, but the one piece of advice that I did take away from my reading, is that if you're going to make a starter using dry yeast you should rehydrate in...
  15. Cervantes

    Dry Yeast Pitching Calculators - What do you use?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm going to bump up to two packs next brew. I always rehydrate according to best practice and add O2 from a bottle, but will try adding an extra pack to see if it makes a difference. My nearest decent supply of liquid yeast is a three hour drive away, so I'm generally...
  16. Cervantes

    Dry Yeast Pitching Calculators - What do you use?

    Been looking at several dry yeast pitching calculators and there seems to be quite a bit of variance between them, which seems to be due to differing views on the cell count per gram. The extract below is from the Brewer's Friend website. Dry Yeast - billions of cells per gram: No one agrees...
  17. Cervantes

    Heating fermentation fridge in Perth

    I'm in Perth and that's exactly what I do. The fridge holds the heat well and the pad has never even discoloured the plastic fridge liner let alone melted it. Mind you it could be that it's never actually kicked in.............
  18. Cervantes

    A Beer Accompaniment

    Just been reading through this old thread and wondered if anyone making Jerky in the decade since the first post had been poisoned by it yet? Lots of doubters in the early posts. I'm glad I started making my own before reading those early posts. I may have been put off of a good thing.
  19. Cervantes

    Jaded Hydra Chiller - Australian alternative?

    I bought the bits to try and copy one of those a while back, but haven't got around to it yet. Maybe now that summer is on it's way I need to get on with building it.