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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. bhami

    Hb Article

    Is there really? I didn't know that. Well, there you go. Cheers Ben
  2. bhami

    Hb Article

    To get a good fit I made a plaster cast of the bottom of the sink and then traced around that to make a cardboard template. I then took the template to a stainless steel manufacturer to get a false bottom cut. It fits fairly well and I only rarely have problems with some of the grains escaping...
  3. bhami

    Hb Article

    Only have beer in about 8 of them at the moment. Probably should sell some of them as I can't imagine ever needing 22 kegs again. Sorry, missed the sarcasm in your post, oops, stupid me. Cheers Ben
  4. bhami

    Hb Article

    Last keg count 22 (I brewed all the beer for my wedding last year so had to buy a fair few more). Last fridge count 9 -4 for fermenting -1 for serving kegs -1 chest freezer for storing and carbonating kegs -1 at 4 degrees for lagers etc in bottles -1 at 8 degrees for Belgian/English ales etc...
  5. bhami

    Hb Article

    Yes I am a member but have only posted a few times on this forum. The brewery was only outside for a little while during construction and for a couple of brews before it got moved into a shed. You DO NOT need to be sanitary until after the boil. Glad some of you like the look of the system...
  6. bhami

    White Rabbit Brewery, Healesville.

    I think they said on one of their Twitter Tweets that the website isn't running yet. Not sure when it will be up. They have a lot on at the moment so I am sure they will get it up when they can. Cheers Ben
  7. bhami

    White Rabbit Brewery, Healesville.

    Contact info and map can be found here: I think they are open 7 days, but not sure what time they close. Cheers Ben
  8. bhami

    White Rabbit Brewery, Healesville.

    It opened yesterday. If you want to keep up to date with White Rabbit you can follow them on twitter. Cheers Ben
  9. bhami

    Melbourne Home Brew Shops

    I normally go to G&G as they have the best range that I know of for the AG brewer. They can be a bit expensive on some items but the advice is normally first class. If you are looking for other stores then you could look them up here: We...
  10. bhami

    Wanted: Home Brew Kit - Melbourne

    I maintain that home brew shop directory and have recently updated the Victorian page to include a lot more brew shops all over the state. But beware, not all brew shops are created equally which is why forums like this are great for getting good advice on which shops are best. Cheers Ben