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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    fermentation starting immediately?

    hi, so an update not sure if anyone's interested, so i guess it got infected? the taste was off, not green but sickening and sour. there were these solid little white blobs with dark centres forming on top and the smell was horrendous (like rotting vegetables and lemon peels, almost knocked my...
  2. P

    fermentation starting immediately?

    hi, so i just tasted some and there doesn't seem anything untoward going on, it's been sitting in cold water all night and it doesn't seemed to have slowed down at all. i read on the danstar website that the yeast can ferment in 4 days so maybe it's just doing what it does. thanks for the replies,
  3. P

    fermentation starting immediately?

    hi, i don't have a thermometer, and the stick on one on the side of the fermenter ranges from 18-32, so is basically useless i did smell it through the air-lock hole in the lid and it smells like beer, i'll have a taste tomorrow and see thanks,
  4. P

    fermentation starting immediately?

    hello, first post so hi from melbourne.. so I'm on my second brew and tried the coopers "sunkissed weiss" from their recipe of the month kits, and while I didn't measure the temperature of the wort before pitching the yeast it was cool to the touch so I guess it was OK. anyway it's been only 4...