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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Beer not fermenting after 6 Days!

    I wouldn't be able to get a picture sorry.. It's very fine. I pitched about a cup worth of liquid... not sure what that would equate to.. To rinse the yeast I -added cooled boiled water to the trub and mixed it around.. -let it settle out -collected the liquid on top and stored that in the...
  2. M

    Beer not fermenting after 6 Days!

    Hi all, 6 Days ago I put down a cheap and easy toucan using -2 x coopers draught cans -.5kg belgian candi (amber) -12G POR hops (10min) It has been sitting in my fermentation cooler at ~16^c. I checked the S.G today and it had only moved 2 points... from 1052 to 1050. I can see a slight...
  3. M

    Cheapest fastest brewing beer for a young guy

    Just an idea, not sure if it has been brought up already.... But would making Belgian Candi from cheap cane sugar and then using it with something like a Coopers real ale kit be a good idea? That would work out fairly cheap. -Coopers Real Ale Kit : ~$12 -1KG (or 2KG) Home brand sugar : ~$2-$4...