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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. U

    Setting up Crown 40L Urn for BIAB

    Just as an update for the internets, the website glitched and quoted free international shipping, when it actually costs $350 to ship such a large item internationally. So, even though I'd love to join you guys brewing in coffee urns, I'll probably just have to build my own equivalent setup...
  2. U

    Setting up Crown 40L Urn for BIAB

    Excellent, thanks for all the replies! I actually bought the urn from, so it has to come across the pond from Australia. I bought a Crown because no one currently sells 40 liter / 10gal urns in the US and because the internet is full of Australian forums talking Crown vs...
  3. U

    Setting up Crown 40L Urn for BIAB

    Okay that makes sense. No reason to over-complicate things when the element will be off during the mash. Thanks! Now all I need is the bag...
  4. U

    Setting up Crown 40L Urn for BIAB

    I've recently purchased a Crown 40L urn with an exposed element for getting into AG with a BIAB setup. Based on how excited I am already, I'm sure I'll want to get it up and running as soon as it gets here. That being said, I was hoping someone who already runs such a setup could help me out...