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  1. G

    Fermentation Freezer constantly working

    Thank for the reply squirt. I cold crashed it because there was lot of big chunks of yeast in the small amount I took off to check the gravity, so I thought cold crashing would remove the bigger bits, leaving the majority of smaller parts still in the beer when I bottled it. I don't think...
  2. G

    Fermentation Freezer constantly working

    When I finally got around to bottling my Hefe after cold crashing it, I noticed that I had a lot of leakage from what looked like the tap of the fv (1.5L in fact), I had a tupperware container under the tap as part of the jerry-rigged system of keeping the fv in place without a proper support...
  3. G

    AHA Award Winning Recipies

    I saw this on Reddit Not sure if you've all seen it or not:
  4. G

    Fermentation Freezer constantly working

    Yeah, it seemed like all the threads on here talked about having the heat belt/lamp in the set up didn't really think about it But I've unplugged the heat belt and it's actually warming backup at pretty much the same speed... Damn this Perth heat
  5. G

    Fermentation Freezer constantly working

    I was thinking that might be the solution, maybe push the temperature up to 19°. I'm using one from BrewMart but it's just a STC1000 in a box.
  6. G

    Fermentation Freezer constantly working

    Right so I've finally been able to get hold of a temperature controller so I've plugged everything in and put in a brew. But I've noticed that with the temp set at 18°C the freezer runs until it hits 18 then the temperature continues to drop until 17.7 when the heater belt turns on (finally...