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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    7 Hills "beer Factory" New Enterprise?

    Hi Tseay, one and the same from Wills - (now that's a blast from the past!!). Look forward to cathing up Stu
  2. T

    7 Hills "beer Factory" New Enterprise?

    Morning Guys, Tseay, our opening hours are 11-7 week days, 9 - 4 on Saturday (closed Sunday - you need one day to focus on drinking!) Ash, We have a range of about 80 - 90 beers that are similar to commercial ones. Interestingly (and pleasingly) most people are going for the imported premium...
  3. T

    7 Hills "beer Factory" New Enterprise?

    Hi Guys, I stumbled across this thread late last night and thought I would take the opportunity to reply. I am the owner and manager of The Beer Factory Seven Hills that Dan visited and commented on (although my name is Stuart not Luke!). Firstly, as he stated, the author of the original entry...