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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. X

    Koelsch Recipie..and Some News

    Snow You're from Kenmore as well? Small world. I don't have a fridge full of yeasts unfortunately :( I just re-use the slurry after each fermentation - just means that I have to do a number of styles in a row (I normally do 4 brews per vial). You're more than welcome to help yourself to a...
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    Koelsch Recipie..and Some News

    I was speaking to Mal on the weekend. He has sold the shop and is currently managing it until the new owner finds a new manager. He said that the new owner wanted to concentrate on grain and the experienced brewers and turn the shop into the best of its kind in Brisbane, which is great news. The...
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    Is My Bavarian Lager Meant To Smell?

    I actually made a similar post about the ESB Bavarian Lager last week. The yeast supplied is saflager w34/70, which should be fermented nice and low. Anyway, I fermented mine at 12oC, 2 weeks in the fermenter and 2 weeks cold conditioning. When I opened the jerry for bottling, the smell bowled...
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    Esb Bavarian Lager - Strange Smell

    jgriffin, thats exactly what its like, a strange sort of spicy smell, really strong. Not really an off smell, just weird. The thing that concerned me was the cloudyness and the bits of stuff floating around, even after two weeks CC. Maybe its the ESB 3kg cans - I racked an ESB 3kg Pilsener last...
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    Esb Bavarian Lager - Strange Smell

    Hi All I wanted to do something quick and easy so I thought I'd give the 3kg ESB Bavarian Lager a go. I used the supplied yeast (saflager w34) and fermented at 12-14oc - two weeks in the fermenter, and two weeks in CC. Anyway, I went to bottle it last night and it had an extremely strong smell...
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    Wort Chillers

    For those of you that use a CFWC, what do you do about the cold break? Do you filter the runoff, transfer again after initial runoff or do you just leave the cold break in the fermenter? Does the cold break affect the brew at all? Cheers
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    Cleaning My Bottles

    I soak my new bottles for a day or two in a mix of 40:1 water/pool chlorine. Absolutely rips out all the muck. Have to rinse a bit though afterwards, but no scrubbing required :)
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    Mash Tun & Keg For Sale

    No No ... not giving up brewing - just can't find time to do all grain at the moment due to family demands, will keep on doing kits and partial mashes though. No one will ever take my fermentors off me :P
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    Mash Tun & Keg For Sale

    This has now all been sold. Cheers
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    Mash Tun & Keg For Sale

    Sorry, can't provide photos as I don't have access to a digital camera. Everything is as new; the mash tun has not been used at all (new in December), and the keg has only had beer in it - it is shiny and clean inside and out. By the way, I also have a 3 ring burner for sale that I forgot to add...
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    Mash Tun & Keg For Sale

    For anyone wishing to give all-grain brewing a go, I have a Rubbermaid 5 gallon cooler with Phils Phalse bottom and ball valve for sale. Also have a 50 litre keg for use as a boiler. The top has already been cut out. Asking $200 for both. Post or PM me if you are interested. Cheers
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    Pilsner Ag Recipe Wanted

    Batz I have Ray Daniels book 'Designing Great Beers' and he talks about the grains the commercial breweries use for a Pilsner Urquell. They all keep it very simple - all you need is your pilsener malt, perhaps a bit of wheat for head retention, saaz hops for 40-50 IBU and a bohemian lager...
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    Stainless Steel Stock Pot

    GMK Do those SS ball valves also fit the 5 gallon Rubbermaid? Also, will the nut and tail setup suit the Phils Phalse Bottom? I have both of these and now only need a tap - if they would work with my setup I would be very interested in getting one. Cheers
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    White Labs Yeast

    For those of you who use White Labs pitchable vials, what is your preferred way to re-use the yeast? Do you just pitch the whole lot then re-use the yeast cake from the primary, build up a starter and split it into bottles, or split the yeast from the vial and build a starter from that? I'm...
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    Cheap Mash Program

    It looks like you may have downloaded the source code - if you are running Linux you can build the source using gcc - there should be a file that explains how to do it, but generally you'll need to run 'configure' and 'make'. If you can program, the makefile will tell you what you need to do...
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    Wyeast's Best Ale

    I've noticed that a lot of people are using 1084 Irish Ale for their stouts - has anyone used it for ales in the style of Kilkenny and Caffreys? I was considering using it to produce clones of these two beers (two of my favourite drops :P ) By the way, another vote for American 1272 (worked...
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    Grolsch Bottles - Wanted To Buy

    GMK, Would love to do that but SWMBO would have a fit :( One step at a time I reckon. Unfortunately I love the Grolsch bottles but hate the beer ... the six pack I had a while ago now contain all manners of herbal concoctions (bottles hiijacked by you-know-who), and I swore I'd never buy the...
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    Grolsch Bottles - Wanted To Buy

    Hi all I desperately need to update my stock of Grolsch bottles - does anybody here wish to part with some or can someone suggest a place where I may obtain some? Like getting blood from a stone, I know ... Thanks!