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  1. T

    Storing Brewed Beer In Corny Keg

    great- thanks heaps for the advice guys. ive got a coopers dark down, brewing a coopers pale ale, so will get another keg shortly to have one on the go. cheers again. toothy
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    Storing Brewed Beer In Corny Keg

    So....should i 1: pour from fermenter into keg, purge and let sit...or 2: pour from fermenter into keg, carbonate, purge and then let sit... it better to carbonate and let sit, or wait until im about to use it before carbonating? the reason i am asking all this is so i can...
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    Storing Brewed Beer In Corny Keg

    ok - so dont fully carb it, just purge then...and leave somewhere cool and it.
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    Storing Brewed Beer In Corny Keg

    Hey guys - a question which might seem stupid to some, but i am unsure on the answer... Has anyone stored brewed beer in a corny keg for a length of time without using it?? If so, how was it done? Did you just transfer the brew into the keg and leave it, or did you gas it then leave it? How...
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    Wtb Commercial Retail Beer Tap Handles

    I too am looking for some decent beer handles for my kegerator...any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Where To Buy Party Kegs?

    Hi - just wondering if anyone had tips as to where to buy a party keg - 12 or 9L - and what price is the norm... cheers toothy
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    Carton Of Beer Into A Keg?

    ha ha ha nah Fents - i have been brewing for 12 years mate - and only been brewing with the big kegs - do have a couple of cornys that I havent bothered to set up yet (dont even have a tap to work that system) and heard about doing this and thought I would ask... I just love the discussion this...
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    Carton Of Beer Into A Keg?

    closed transfer - which in this case would be impossible right? for those asking why - its ok blokes...dont stress - just a query - read it somewhere and was interested to see if it would work, how and would be an interesting experiment.... i have already been told something else i was trying...
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    Carton Of Beer Into A Keg?

    ok - well i only thought of it as i read it somewhere recently (cant remember where) and I just wondered how it would work - could be handy if ive got a spare keg and carton of beer to see how it went. and - look - i dont get frogmans comment - fill with co2 before puring the beer in?? i might...
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    Carton Of Beer Into A Keg?

    Hi guys - a question...I read somewhere that it is possible - can you transfer a carton of beer into a 19l keg? I know it is strange to do so, but thought I would ask - if so, are there any particular steps to do so during the transfer and afterwards? Could be handy if someone owes me a few...
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    Parts To Modify Andale Tap Handle

    just in case anyone was interested - i ended up getting the taps modified with a double ended thread - one thin for the tap, one thick for the handle - superb job and cheap too, done in 1/2 a day. so it can be done in case anyone else wanted to do it or for future reference!!
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    Parts To Modify Andale Tap Handle

    Ok - so here are the photos guys - hope it helps?
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    Parts To Modify Andale Tap Handle

    deadly - where do you get this spacer from? the handle i have is a long Michelob wooden handle, so the actual 'spike' or steel prong that is attached to the andale tap is too long for the hole on the handle - man, i dont even know if im explaining this or it sounds right??if i slot the michelob...
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    Parts To Modify Andale Tap Handle

    Ok - well I had a look on the andale site and it is a Floryte tap, the handles I have - I have no idea what they are made for - but they are American if that helps - they have a wider hole to screw onto tap....
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    Beer Tap Handle Problem

    Hi guys - not sure if anyone can help but i have a slight problem.... I have an andale font with andale taps. I have recently bought some tap handles (overseas - as I could not find any I really like here), but naturally...they do not fit the top of the andale tap. Has anyone ever experienced...
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    Parts To Modify Andale Tap Handle

    Hi guys - not sure if anyone can help but i have a slight problem.... I have an andale font with andale taps. I have recently bought some tap handles (overseas - as I could not find any I really like here), but naturally...they do not fit the top of the andale tap. Has anyone ever experienced...
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    Soda Stream Bottles

    no dramas - will not be doing any refilling - for sure.
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    Soda Stream Bottles

    Ok - so after a few phone calls to soda stream - managed to get the old bottle swapped at Big W - but apparently ss have phone woolies and they have somein there and will swap them over with another couple I have - all sorted. Cheers guys. Toothy
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    Soda Stream Bottles

    yes - i do enjoy being alive, so i might pass - but i will have to check to see if anywhere will accept an old bottle too... nowhere in coffs refills the bottles...oh well. cheers
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    Soda Stream Bottles

    OK- so how do you connect the two? and my other question is does anyone still re-fill the older style soda stream bottles? I know locally in Coffs - gas places do not do it...