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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Beer In Regulator

    Hi all Just dismanteled my micromatic. Pretty easy really (thanks to OSF for the diagram). I found the spring to be coated in rust and soaked it in vinegar for a couple of hours and it came up pretty good. I reassembled it using the old gasket coated in Haynes Lubri-film and so far no leaks...
  2. G

    AHB Wiki: Using Coopers Bottle Yeast

    Does anybody know the specifications of the Coopers Ale yeast (from the bottle) eg. temperature range? Thanks Graham E
  3. G

    Beer In Regulator

    Thanks for that I'll give it a go! Regards Graham
  4. G

    Beer In Regulator

    Hi I also have a problem with beer flowing back through my Micromatic regulator and have found a small amount of rust leaking out of the hole under the pressure screw. Looks like I'll have to take it apart. My question is, how easy is this to do for a non-technic? Is there anything to look...
  5. G

    Leffe Blonde

    Hi Doug Thanks for that, I'll be giving that a try once I get all of the ingredients together. :party: Regards GrahamE
  6. G

    Leffe Blonde

    Anbody have a tried and true recipe (kit, partial or AG) for a leffe blonde? :unsure: Regards GrahamE