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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Cheapest Way To Keg?

    I'm in Brisbane. Where do you get the CO2 for $18 a year? Cheers, SG
  2. S

    My First Brew

    I'm on my 3rd brew at the moment, probably bottling tomorrow. Supposedly also a Corona style given to me by my local HBS, but also in a BrewCellar news that I picked up..... 1.7kg Morgans Canadian Light, 1kg Dextrose 40og Maltodextrin 1 teabag Morgans Finishing Hops - Super Alpha I pray it...
  3. S

    Cheapest Way To Keg?

    What's GMK?
  4. S

    Kit Brewers

    yeh, I already have plans for the vault, but I'm actually gonna have 2 vaults now..... I have the first bottle from both of my bottled brews set aside. I will now put the next 4 botles into another crate. Sometimes the first bottle may not be the best, but it's the sentimental (sedimental ;)...
  5. S

    Cheapest Way To Keg?

    Well, all of this discussion on kegging versus bottling has made me wonder, what is the cheapest way to keg? I'm considering only small quantities so one of those party keg systems may be the go. How long can you have the beer in the keg for? Does the beer 'go off' if left in the lines...
  6. S

    Kit Brewers

    Well, there's some great replies in there. I really like the community feel here at AHB. I actually also hang out at another forum where there is a good community atmosphere too - common shared interest. As a couple of you have alluded to, the internet has become a great place for the exchange...
  7. S

    Kit Brewers

    So, from my short time here (although plenty of time wasted) perusing the forums, I tend to note that the majority of people here are what I'd consider 'hard core' brewers. What I mean by this is there seems to be a number of posters who go for the AG (what I interpret to be All Grain ;)...
  8. S

    Final Gravity

    How do you work out the Alcohol content? I thought I read here it was SG-FG x 0.13 My calcs work that out to be 3.77% I suppose that doesn't take into consideration the sugar added to the bottles. Is there a different way to work out the alcohol content?
  9. S

    Final Gravity

    Thought I might add that it is only taking about a 5-6 days...... but the SG is steady for 2-3 days prior to bottling. I don't think there is any point leaving it for a few more days as a mate suggested - do you?
  10. S

    Final Gravity

    Hi All, Im on to my second brew right now. One question is how much faith should I have in the FG reading? My first one was SG 1040 FG about 1011. Believe it or not my second brew SG 1040, FG 1011 (I presume it is almost finished fermenting and this will be the FG). So, these figures don't...
  11. S

    Someone Tell Me Not To Worry

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys, sorry I haven't replied earler. I bottled it on Saturday and it looked quite nice (Doesn't all beer??) lol I got a couple of new seals for my next kit (Based on the Blue Mountain Lager) that is now going and it was bubbling nicely for about a day then she was...
  12. S

    Someone Tell Me Not To Worry

    Hi all, Virgin brewer from Brisbane Here. Came across these forums over the weekend as I put my first brew down. I've done a bit of searching around the forums about fermentation and I know I've got nothing to worry about, but I just need some reassurance...... My first kit brew is a...