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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    Drinking bandaids (elastoplast)

    Ah apologies! Well whatever that taste is, it definitely went away after 4-6 weeks in the bottle.
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    Drinking bandaids (elastoplast)

    Sounds a lot like you are getting some diacetyl. I have had the same from a stout using the 1084 irish ale and a porter the 1469 west yorkshire. What temps are you fermenting at and are you then performing a diacetyl rest afterwards?
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    Ruby Ale.

    Awesome, as long as you have a bit fo choc malt and plenty of styrians it should be great!
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    Ruby Ale.

    I made a "hobgoblin" type beer late last year. Pretty happy with the results, a nice dark "ruby" colour when held up to the light, although it's a little too dark to be the same as hobgoblin. Note that: Yeast is West Yorkshire WY1469, not available in Beersmith 2.75 kg Maris Otter (5.9 EBC)...
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    Weihenstephaner Hoplosion

    According to the Temple brewing website they have it on as their guest tap: I may have to go investigate over the weekend....
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    Where/how to buy/rent full kegs from commercial brewers?

    Pretty sure Mountain Goat (in Richmond) rent out a system with kegs. Give them a call....
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    C'mon Melbourne!Show me what you can do!

    Alehouse Project on Lygon is awesome. For something closer to you, the Wesley Anne on High St is pretty good!
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    What Are You Brewing III

    Hi Rummy, I made the "Sticks and stones" recipe by Daemon: and adapted it to my BIAB system to do a 21L partial. IMO it is not bitter enough, and very heavy on the passionfruit flavour/aroma. Here's my BS recipe: BeerSmith 2 Recipe...