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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    Tried a sample on the 6th of June (only one week after bottling, so I wasn't expecting too much from it). Beer smells good, but tastes a bit watery and hasn't really developed any fizz at all yet (slight bubbling on the bottom and sides of glass, but not noticeable to drink). No Vegemite...
  2. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    I think that is probably good advice really.. I tend to get overly-enthused and ahead of myself a lot! I'll source some more bottles and then put on another kit batch, maybe the same one again to see if they taste much different with a little more experience! I didn't really malt extract and the...
  3. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    Interesting- I hope it's only a mild case of it then, as it certainly was kept too long as I tried to acquire bottles (I'll get most of them before starting my brew next time!), but definitely not too hot. The first four days I kept the heater on at 22 degrees but after that it just sat in our...
  4. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    Oh, also, my beer seems to have a slight Vegemite after-taste prior to bottling.. I assume this has something to do with yeast? Is that going to taste rubbish in a months time?
  5. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    Thanks for all the advice guys! I've finally got my bottles sorted and am on the home run now, just one more quick question.. the sheet I got from my LHBS (getting down with the lingo!) with instructions said to keep my bottles at 20 to 24 degrees for the first week after bottling and then store...
  6. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    That's good to know, as I'm still waiting on my bottles and it looks like I'll have them next Saturday at the earliest! Harder than I would have thought to gather enough, haha! It will have been in the barrel for a month exactly if all goes to plan.. I'm almost tempted to go all grain next...
  7. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    So! I've tried it out of the barrel, and it actually tastes really good! I can't believe it, I'm probably super biased but I think it's the best homebrew I've ever tried (though that hasn't been many). A quick question.. I don't quite have enough bottles yet and it's been in the barrel since the...
  8. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    I just realised that I forgot to put my extra hops in also.. I guess I should probably just save them till next time though so as not to waste them if it does turn out woeful?
  9. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    Thanks for the replies! I'll just keep going as planned then and hope it all turns out okay.. a lesson learned! And to think that I wanted to go straight into all grain brewing :P
  10. flybeereligion

    First Brew.. Please Tell Me I Didn't Contaminate It!

    Hey guys, great forum! I've just put on my first ever batch and I fear I may have ruined it.. I put in too much water before adding that thick syrupy stuff and then didn't have a long enough spoon to stir it all in. In the end I had to resort to covering my hand in hand sanitiser, washing that...