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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. wtfddk

    How Was Beer Served In The Old Days?

    Compressor refrigeration modern style. Absorption Chillers older style tech , remember kero fridges ? Fridges - hot water - ground sourced heat pump might be a good investment for the brew shed ?
  2. wtfddk

    The Plan

    Morning after brew day. Something fermenting happily in the fermentor. Bit worried initially as we had some negative air lock, but think we tend to pitch a little too hot. Enjoyed the process, and the home made wort cooler worked a treat. Not very graceful seeing hoses with fittings etc...
  3. wtfddk

    The Plan

    We have a plan. After tasting our wheat beer (ESB kit - tasted great but still a little young) we have decided to try an extract brew. Going to try for something resembling a red ale. 2.7kg light liquid malt extract 1 kg amber liquid malt extract 100 grams of crystal 150L 30 grams of fuggle 60...
  4. wtfddk

    First Esb Kit Bottled

    IPA was from prickly moses as well. We live in NE Victoria, near Lake Eildon. Winters are freezing here so have rigged up the keg with a heating element. Have just put an ESB smoked ale kit on last night. The dear lady had it in Germany and loved it. Smells very spicy, so will be...
  5. wtfddk

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi. I started brewing about 10 years ago. Just the good old cheap alcohol kits from the supermarket. Life got hectic and I found the beer I was buying was basically the same, so I stopped. Recently I re discovered home brewing. Hey home brew doesn't give me indigestion, no hangover (if I...
  6. wtfddk

    First Esb Kit Bottled

    Otways / Great Ocean Road, Prickly Moses from the Otway Estate near Colac, currently experimenting with a wild hop beer, and a new microbrewery/cafe at Forrest open 6 weeks and looks promising , a very pleasant Ale and good bowl of soup. If this trend continues traveling in Oz will become...
  7. wtfddk

    First Esb Kit Bottled

    Have just spent four days away visiting a few microbreweries and tasting beers to try and understand the flavours that I like. Loved a red ale that we tried that I would love to replicate. Also my partner fell in love with a dark IPA full of chocolatey complex flavours. Basically love German...
  8. wtfddk

    First Esb Kit Bottled

    After not brewing for some years, I brewed a couple of Coopers kits to get back into the hang of things. A couple of weeks ago I discovered ESB kits and tonight I bottled my first one. A Bavarian wheat beer. It smells beautiful, was simple to do, but now I want to do more. Looking forwards...