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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Simple Question. First Extract Brew

    I thought upping the sugar in the brew only added to the alcohol content, does it add to the taste as well? Thanks.
  2. T

    Simple Question. First Extract Brew

    Nope, I have not, I dont really know what programs there are either. Also, how will I know when sugar is needed in this brew? Thanks
  3. T

    Simple Question. First Extract Brew

    The 1.7Kg is NOT Bittered LME, it just says "Light Liquid Malt Extract", It is a local product from my area as well.
  4. T

    Simple Question. First Extract Brew

    I have done a few kits, and want to move onto some extract (and eventually AG in time) I have 1.7Kg Light LME 1.5kg Morgans Wheat ME 50g Hersbrucker Hop Pellets Safbrew wb-06 And I do not need any "Brewing Sugar" do I? Since the Malt will have enough sugars in it. is this a reasonable recipe...
  5. T

    Newbie Brewer Question On Stout Ingredients

    That clears everything up. Thanks for your time and input guys, I greatly appreciate it. :D ^_^
  6. T

    Newbie Brewer Question On Stout Ingredients

    I`ve used Coopers Stout + Stout "improver" before, it was decent. But nothing special.
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    Newbie Brewer Question On Stout Ingredients

    So effectively, the Kit has been compacted and "processed" to make it easier to brew with. The downside is that there is less wort, And less Malt altogether. (Malt has natural maltose/Glucose) So we have to stack it up with sugar to increase the alcohol content, since there is not enough malt...
  8. T

    Newbie Brewer Question On Stout Ingredients

    Use malt for sugar? Does Yeast + Malt create alcohol as well? I thought only the glucose from sugar is turned into alcohol...
  9. T

    Newbie Brewer Question On Stout Ingredients

    Hi guys, I`m planning to make a Dry Stout (The Style of Guinness) I have a can of ESB Extra Special Stout 3kg And an Irish stout kit improver 1Kg (Malt extract, Roasted barley, Brewing sugars and Hops) Do I still need to use dextrose/brewing sugar in the brewing process? Or will the the...