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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    The Floods Are Holding Back My Brew

    Bendigo! I may have a life line, my mate is in Adelaide so i'll see if he can bring back a few boxes.
  2. M

    The Floods Are Holding Back My Brew

    I've spent 4 hours running around town trying to find some bottles for my first brew. Not a single place in town has them, they are all on back order and as the 750ml PET bottles are from Qld it'll be a little while longer before i can bottle my brew. Bugger!
  3. M

    Adding Orange To Coopers Canadian Blonde

    Okay i'll give that a go, thanks for your suggestions guys, i'm bottling my first brew tonight!
  4. M

    Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

    I had the displeasure of trying the hummingbird beer made by the people who make cruisers. The bartender who offered it told me that he had told the saleswoman he had no interest in stocking the crap and to %^&^ off!
  5. M

    Adding Orange To Coopers Canadian Blonde

    I'm sort of struggling to understand this primary and secondary fermentation stuff. What i got from of the first link was that i could sanitise the fruit, mush it up and add it into my brew. Would it be okay to add this minced up orange into the fermenter then bottle in a week as usual?
  6. M

    Adding Orange To Coopers Canadian Blonde

    I've just bottled my first extract based ginger beer and had lined up a coopers Canadian blonde for the next brew. I'd like to give it a orange hint to it sort of like the Grand ridge Natural blonde. How would i go about doing this?