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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Sneddy

    The Tang.....

    My friends homebrew always has the same "tang" no matter what beer they're brewing. It's almost a metallic, tangy, alkaline flavour. Sort of like you just licked a 9 volt battery. They keg all their beer, but even when they bottled it still had the same flavour. I find it actually overpowers...
  2. Sneddy

    Lager Hasn't Started Yet...

    Thanks for the pointers. Did a gravity reading just now and it's dropped from 1040OG to 1032. So it's working, just very slowly. Just means it will spend an extra week in the primary before putting it into the secondary for lagering. You know, my favourite bit about testing the gravity is...
  3. Sneddy

    Lager Hasn't Started Yet...

    So, I needed to put a brew on, but it's too hot for me to brew an ale (45 deg in Sydney), and my brewing fridge only does lager temps, so I thought I'd throw on an Ale kit but using Lager yeast... Now, I put it down on Tuesday (Sunday now) and there is still no Krausen. Ingredients. 1x...
  4. Sneddy

    Fermenter Size For 10l Batches

    What I plan on using for my 10L batches is the 15L bottle you get the fresh wort kits in from ndbrewing. Figure a 15L fermenter would cost me more than the $2 refund for returning it. They already have a thread for the tap so all I'm going to do is drill a hole in the lid for the grommit and...
  5. Sneddy

    Forgot To Take Final Gravity!

    Thanks heaps. Just in case I noob it up again in the future, how did you come to that conclusion? My favourite part of brewing is learning the science and maths behind it (obviously other than drinking it)... So this intrigues me.
  6. Sneddy

    Forgot To Take Final Gravity!

    Hey guys, Still a noob making noob errors with my brew. Bulk primed my brew with 160g white sugar and then realised I didn't take the FG down. Did it anyway and it read 1014. 18.5L wort. 165g sugar in 500ml water. What do you reckon my actual final gravity was meant to be?
  7. Sneddy

    Cascade Mahogany Chocolate Porter

    I put on a Choc Porter the other day, just bottled and am yet to taste. Cascade Porter Morgans Caramalt 500g Wheat malt extract 200g Chocolate Malt infusion 12g Goldings @ 15m Safale US04 Will let you know how it tastes in a week - has only been in the bottle for 7 days, but it tasted amazing...
  8. Sneddy

    What Is The Ideal Time To Condition?

    I'm no expert but I've had people tell me that they've put beers down for 6-12 months and at the 12 month phase the beers were so good they wished they didn't start drinking them earlier. I've got 2 on at the moment that I'm planning to leave for at least 4 months to condition. But I willl be...
  9. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    I'd recommend doing everything I did (swirl, but not splash to mix up the yeasties again, repitch some rehydrated yeast) just for peace of mind, but so far no kaboom. I did only bulk prime with 160g white sugar though... I believe most people recommend using around 180g. So hopefully I'll just...
  10. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    I Barricaded my fermenters so the dogs can't get to em... And decided to go for the Glad Wrap seal on both this batch. Good seal, bulging like crazy (which looks awesome) but best of all I can see inside. See how this experiment goes for these brews...
  11. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    When I'm washing the fermenters out my little Silky keeps trying to jump into the fermenter, and he's a clever little ******* so I figure some time soon he'll figure a way to get to where I do my brewing - it's not the most secure location...
  12. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    Ahh... Pets... Can't do it... My dogs are already way too interested in my fermenters...
  13. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    So in what circumstances would the glad wrapping method be better than the air lock method...
  14. Sneddy

    'battle Of The Toucans'

    Hey all, thinking of doing my first toucan on my 3rd brew and just wondering what you guys would recommend. I have an out of date Coopers Real Ale and wanted to pair it up with something to compliment it. Was thinking a... Coopers Real Ale (quite a few years past use by so should be quite...
  15. Sneddy

    Tastes Like Banana :(

    You never know... Leave it for 6-12 months and it could mellow out into a fantastic beer! Something the master brewer on a brewery tour once told me was never bin a beer in the first 6 months... Unless it's blatantly fowl/infected. Told me about a beer he brewed with a passion fruit flavour to...
  16. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    Love the 5th Element reference... Let's hope my sweet brews don't go bada boom. I'm going to under prime them a little bit just to be sure.
  17. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    So since last time they haven't moved at all. 1018 and 1016 still. I think this means it's bottling time... Although it doesn't seem right they haven't budged... Will do a final test tomorrow and then bottle on Tuesday. Wish I had some PET bottles...
  18. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    Okay - so day 1 after test. The draught has dropped to 1018, and the Lager has stayed on 1016. Buuuut... I forgot to put my heater pad on last night and we had a massive temp drop last night in Sydney so I'm worried it's ******* stalled again... We'll see. I'll leave it till monday - if it...
  19. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    Well if it doesn't budge off it's gravity for a few days then I'm going to assume they're bottle ready too - no harm in trying though.
  20. Sneddy

    Stalled Fermentation

    Gave it a swirl first thing as soon as it was mentioned... Gravity hadn't budged at all. I suspected that the bump I gave the lager when the tap wouldn't turn off was what brought it back to life so the swirl made sense to me. But it didn't work that time. If it doesn't move now I'm going to...