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  1. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    I've got a JOA brewing with bread yeast and I also started up another recipe using wine yeast. I've noticed the wine yeast and the yeast of the kriek kit I've brewed took about 48 hours before there was any noticeable fermentation, if that makes you feel better
  2. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    I was tempted to put it on a heat pad until I read Creedy's comments. I've got a kriek kit (Belgian cherry beer) sitting on my heat pad at the moment and a 20L batch of the Ragnarock mead recipe gurgling away, so I'm not so much in a hurry with the JOA
  3. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    hmm mine's at about 8 weeks now and still no sign of clearing
  4. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Started a new simple brew on Monday with a recipe called Ragna Rock mead :lol: Suppose to be ready in 2 months and 2 weeks.
  5. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Thanks for the great read, Creedy and it's even answered a few doubts I had. I'm getting eager for my first batch to be ready so I can taste it and get a BIG batch ready for October. Regarding the bottling stage...What would be the repercussions of yeast sediment present in the bottles a la...
  6. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    hey Brewer Pete What's the average alcohol percentage you get with this JOA recipe? I haven't got my hands on a hydrometer yet. Is there a method I can use to test for alcohol content at maturation only? (my frustrating web searches keep coming up with the hydrometer before and after test)...
  7. evilNat


    not to mention the price of spirits in Finland is sky high as the country is trying to reduce the extremely high rate of heart disease due to the amount of drinking there...but, oh what a place! I've been dappling with gin, grapefruit juice and lemonade to try and replicate the Finnish...
  8. evilNat

    Skeeter Pee

    I've had a good read of this recipe now and maybe it's not too hard for me, after all I cook some difficult dishes, just inexperienced with brewing. I only have 1 question at this stage. What if I don't have a yeast slurry from a previous brewing project?
  9. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    A couple of recipes I've read have even suggested using a balloon if no airlock is available. The recipe for the samagonka just called for a plastic bag kept in place with an elastic (but this recipe does come from a remote village in Russia). One of my fellow festival goers found the website...
  10. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    I'm all fired up to go, with 2 other non-cooking recipes, and wouldn't you know it my local brewing shop didn't have any bungs! GRRR! Now I have to wait for the ones I bought online to arrive in the post <_<
  11. evilNat

    Bellevue Kriek

    I hate the taste of beer, but Kriek and the raspberry Framboise are divine! Once I get the hang of making a decent mead and the Russian samagonka, I definitely want to try making my own Kriek :icon_drool2:
  12. evilNat

    Skeeter Pee

    Sounds interesting but way too advanced for me. Shame, I have a 'sacred' lemon tree and this winter's crop looks to be a good one.
  13. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Takk, Brewer Pete! Actually I speak neither language. Thanks for those tips, I will definitely try the pure recipe before I start experimenting. I've mentioned this site and your recipe to a brewing enthusiast Swedish friend as well - he's won a Swedish brewing competition recently - he's...
  14. evilNat

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Virgin brewer here who has been dying to make mead since living on a divine Swedish brew at a 4 day heavy metal festival in 2002 :icon_chickcheers: All the brewing terminology of recipes I've found on the internet have put me off, but this recipe here looks really easy. My father always...