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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Beerbelly Coupon?

    I'm about to do a mass order from There is a section where I can enter a coupon. Does anyone know where I can find a valid coupon. Even 5% will help when i'm when I'm spending $2500 on my new AG setup. Thanks Mick
  2. M

    Schoffahofer Love

    Ok so the wort is boiling now i changed the recipe a little I used used 2kg grain 70% wheat 30% pills mash 60 min @66* boil 60 min add 10G hallertau hops at30 min cool the crap way in a ice bath :unsure: craft brew bavaria wheat as bulk to 23lt Let's not forget the wyeast 3068 packed on...
  3. M

    Schoffahofer Love

    Sorry I have only been brewing for 3 months. So I'm struggaling to make a 15 lt wort. With the bodgy stock pot and 18lt esky. I boil the wort for a total 60 min. I only add 35 grams of hops to wheat beer Adding hops 20g at 30 min 15g at 55min Mick
  4. M

    Schoffahofer Love

    Hi I know I'm cutting it fine for Oktoberfest. But I need a third keg of beer for the party. So I thought I would try a Schoffahofer clone Hard to match I know but I must try I'm doing it as a partial but u can do it AG if u won't Morgans wheat extract as bulk wheat malt 70% pills malt 30%...